Margaret Yip
Partner at GoGlobal
With an investment banking and project / business management background, Margaret has entrepreneurial experience in the education and supply chain management industries. Today, she is a partner at GoGlobal a people-first international HR and Employer of Record (EOR) service provider, with a globally distributed, naturally diverse remote workforce. In her role, Margaret oversees Group Operations and is a remote work champion. People are her top priority and the main driver of her motivation as an empathetic leader. She is a strong advocate for women and is passionate about helping them advance their careers while balancing caring for their families and themselves.
Having lived and worked in both the UK and Hong Kong, with second homes in Canada and the US, Margaret loves connecting with people from around the world and enjoys music, yoga, and spending time with her children.
屬於內向人格的 Margaret,剛踏入職場時深埋於金融業的數字與分析,但隨著經歷,她開始學習如何與團隊建立清晰的溝通模式與合作關係。如今,她更自信地分享多次的自我跨越、克服,和無比豐富的人生閱歷。本集專訪,除了 Margaret 自身的故事之外,我們更要聽聽 GoGlobal 是怎麼建立員工們分散於六大洲、24 時區的企業歸屬感和溝通之道。
當我們問起:「在見不到彼此的情況下,要怎麼讓團隊互相扶持、孕育有同理心的企業文化?」Margaret 告訴我們,面對橫跨 100 多個國家的工作夥伴們,他們曾一起經歷各式各樣的突發狀況 —— 如家鄉遇到龍捲風、屋頂被吹翻、大雨淹水;在疫情下重病不起、中國封城時物資的匱乏;又或著是在烏俄戰爭中被迫逃亡時的危難 —— 每當同事們出現危及狀況,團隊總是義不容辭地做彼此的承接者,給予物質與情緒上最大的支持與同理,並確保彼此工作與生活的順暢無阻。
【 在這集聽她說 】
- 孕育兩個孩子與兩間新創的那段旅程
- 職場的彈性工時和優良的遠距工作文化,都可以更支持女性
- 遠距工作:不要再看 input,學會重視 output
- 四海一家,成為同事們最堅實的後盾
- 投資開發無阻力的遠距團隊
【 延伸閱讀 】
- 【Future Makers】EP. 6 數位優化是帶動成長的重要趨勢,不同時區的遠距團隊是優勢也是必須 — Moon Digitsense 創辦人&執行長
- EP. 105 人才培訓的重點是 Learning 而不是 Training,助妳找尋定位和方向 — 星展銀行人力資源學習與發展部資深副總裁 程鈺玲 Jacqualine Chen
- EP. 81 企圖心的背後,是妳究竟想成就什麼樣的人生? — 緯創資通 全球人力資源副總監 鍾嘉欣 & 爾亞品牌教練顧問公司 共同創辦人 鄭夙雅
- EP.65 在育兒、工作和人生的路上,妳夠了解自己嗎? — 小花蒙兒 Petite Blumen 創辦人 Monica Liu
2023 Tokyo Chapter
Through community connections, content, curations and consulting, we provide the necessary resources for women to advance leadership and build credible support nets.
We cordially invite you to join us at our first Tokyo Meet Up, gathering professional and global talents based in Tokyo for a private and curated networking event. We look forward to celebrating the new year in reflecting, goal setting and engaging in wonderful conversations!
Jan 13th 2023 | 19:30 | apéro. wine bar aoyamaare