CAREhEALTH – Pink Power & Bubbles for a Cause

【CAREhEALTH】有多久沒有靜下心,沈澱日常所累積的壓力並好好的檢視自己的身心健康?女性意識崛起的時代,我們看到扮演多重身份的女性身上所承擔的壓力。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)報告顯示,女性比男性更容易受到焦慮和抑鬱症的影響,這部分由職場壓力、家庭責任和社會期望的多重壓力源所造成。 CAREhER 希望幫助大家在吸收知識的同時,能輕鬆、舒適的抒發壓力,維持健康的身心。為了更順利的完成事業、人生目標,保持生活精彩,聰明的女性要學會投資自己的健康,讓自己從身心靈都能保持最好的狀態。

Tokyo | Shine Like A Gem -セルフブランディングを強めて、理想のキャリアを築く方法

ご好評を頂いているCAREhERの東京チャプターイベント「Lunch with A Mentor」を 11 月24日に開催致します。 今回は、21世紀に誕生した数少ないジュエリーメゾンの一つである「Gemmyo」とコラボレーションし、その創業者であり、フランスで女性起業家としても大変著名なPauline LaigneauとCAREhERのCEOであるTiffany Chouが自身の体験から来るセルフブランディングとそこからキャリアをスケールさせる方法やインサイトを惜しみなくみなさんにお伝えします。

EP. 136 [EN] Mastering the Auction World: Phyllis Kao on Selling Dinosaurs, Commanding the Room, and Female Artists to Watch

Phyllis set a world record of selling the most expensive dinosaur, at US$44.6 million. Her story was covered in The New York Times as well as The Telegraph from the UK. Her role as an auctioneer at Sotheby is both… a little mysterious, but certainly exciting. Join us to hear her story on the path less traveled, her Taiwanese American heritage, but also as she shares the secrets behind how she commands the room and the intensity that’s part of the job.

HK|Wine & Wisdom: Navigating Upward Communication & Stakeholder Management

Join us on October 26th at FRANCIS in Hong Kong for an exclusive fireside event featuring delicious bites and drinks, where we’ll explore the topic of managing up. This intimate gathering will engage you in discussions on effective communication strategies with senior leaders and stakeholders, ways to establish your influence, and how to advocate for your team. Hear from three women leaders from diverse fields as they share their best practices. Enjoy a stylish afternoon filled with meaningful conversations and networking with like-minded women.

EP.135 揭秘 NVIDIA 突破性科技和未來展望 : NVIDIA AI Technology Center 技術負責人 Cheng-Kuang (CK) Lee

妳不可能沒注意到這場 AI 的浪潮已席捲我們生活;從手機上的語音助手、圖片編輯工具,到無人車和醫療診斷,AI 技術已不再是未來的夢想,並切切實實融入我們的日常。而 CK 老師身為 NVIDIA AI 技術中心台灣區技術負責人,站在浪頭之上,這次會和我們用深入淺出的方式帶出他對產業的觀察,如影像辨識、醫療影像、自駕車等領域,甚至進入虛擬世界的建構,並分享他自己學習的各種渠道。如果連最專業的產業先鋒都要不斷學習了,妳我又有什麼理由不?準備啟程,和我們一起踏入 AI 的世界吧!

CAREhER x The Doggy Lab – Connect & Grow with Your Fur Babies 打造人寵和諧新時代

週五夏末午後,犬研室與 CAREhER 聯手舉辦了一場別開生面的人寵共融餐會,吸引超過40位來自各界的貴賓——從臺北寵物公會理事長、知名寵物旅館、風格生活產業、牙醫院長、紡織業到建設開發、時尚設計等不同領域的愛寵人士,並有六隻可愛的毛小孩參與其中。 此次餐會不僅是愛寵人士的聚會,更是一場深入探討人類與寵物間不斷演變關係的交流盛會,更探討了寵物經濟的未來趨勢跟範例。

EP.134 原來狗狗也需要成就感:滿足牠們的天性需求,讓人寵關係變得更加緊密 : The Doggy Lab 創辦人 Edward Wu

妳知道狗狗們都有與生俱來、已經寫進他們 DNA 裡的使命嗎? CAREhER 因為愛狗愛到辦公室常不小心變成主人放風時狗狗的托兒中心,這次也開心邀請到寵物教育品牌 The Doggy Lab 犬研室的創辦人 Edward 來和我們分享,當我們真正理解狗狗時,牠們將成為更快樂、更平衡的生活同伴。就像每位成功的女人,都有強大的 support net,毛孩子不僅是療癒妳的重要支柱,妳也身兼牠們照護者的重要責任。今天,除了聽 Edward 和我們分享他獨特的創業旅程(有愛心又有耐心的男人很帥!),他也會幫助我們學習,如何更好地照顧我們生命裡重要的毛寶貝。

EP. 133 [EN] From Tokyo to the World: Celebrating and Empowering Individuality in Modeling Management – Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of Crossover

Can you truly bring your unique self and thrive in the Japanese business world? For Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of one leading agency representing top models Ai Tominaga and Hikari Mori, that authenticity and her unique cultural backgrounds are exactly what set her apart – and what she looks to infuse in all the work she does to support her talents. “Cultural translations,” as she calls it, helps bring out more potential while celebrating those differences and individuality helps her talents and herself to succeed on the global stage.

Singapore Luncheon- Scaling Up and Hire Smart

CAREhER Singapore will be hosting an exclusive luncheon tailored for women founders who are looking to scale their team and lead with authentic leadership. Join us for an intimate roundtable discussion where you will discover practical tools and strategies to leverage your existing resources for maximum impact. Learn from successful founders on how to prioritize and allocate resources effectively in a growing business.