Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of Crossover
As the CEO of Crossover, Kei leads a visionary agency dedicated to empowering multi-hyphenates to embrace their diverse and unique talents. With a commitment to acceptance, collaboration, and diversity, she ensures Crossover offers comprehensive services including management, production, public relations, and incubation.
Kei Chen’s journey into the modeling industry began unexpectedly during college in Tokyo, when a friend suggested she join a modeling agency seeking bilingual talent. Despite lacking prior industry experience, Kei quickly adapted and has since thrived in modeling management. Growing up in Kuala Lumpur’s multicultural environment while being half Taiwanese, Kei developed a deep appreciation for diverse cultures, which she now leverages to help her talents succeed both in Japan and globally.
Crossover Japan’s management style diverges from traditional transactional methods, focusing on integrating diverse perspectives from different industries into the modeling world. With this approach, Kei creates new synergy while building long-lasting relationships, and encourages her artists to embrace their uniqueness. She believes that while appearance is important for certain brands, the personal values and opinions of talents are paramount.
With social media lowering barriers to fame and influence, Kei stresses it’s even more critical for artists to remain authentic while remembering they have more social responsibility to be role models with their platforms and influence. Looking ahead, she envisions greater diversity and women leadership in the talent management industry, emphasizing the need for support systems, compassion, and “seeing people for who they are, not just what they are.”
【 In this episode 】
- How Kei began her career
- Establishing trust with her team and talents
- Kei’s entrepreneurial journey
- Why diversity? Future of women leadership in talent management
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2024 Summer Summit

2024 Summer Summit:Her Resilience – Grit & Glow
每到盛夏,我們總迫不及待想舉辦一年一度的夏日論壇 Summer Summit ,聚集大家為身心靈充電,更在去年起,前往南方港都高雄體驗港灣風情。今年 CAREhER 將在亞灣新創園區舉辦 《Her Resilience- Grit & Glow》 盛會,聚集百位來自台灣、日本、新加坡、韓國等亞洲區,思想相近的女性,在我們精心策劃下,度過充實又充滿夏日風情的兩天一夜。
Why Her Resilience? 為什麼韌性 對女性領袖至關重要
面對挫折,我們需要有能力站起來;遇到變化,我們需要勇敢擁抱。韌性讓我們在職場遊刃有餘,平衡多重角色,並在挑戰面前繼續前行。 這一次我們特別針對這個議題,設計四個不同段落,從「專家對談」、「社群談心」,到「浮島交流晚宴」及第二天的「導生乾杯遊艇」,透過四個環節,我們得以認識、面對並培養自己的超能力。
- Courageous Conversations– 與 4 位不同領域的講者討論建立韌性(Resilience)及心理健康
- Curate– “Swap,Sell and Sip” 工作坊中,歡迎妳一邊享用 S.C Lab 提供的台灣茶飲品,一邊與其他 100 位優秀女性交換彼此昔日的珍貴衣物
- Connect– 一起登上永心浮島上進行交際晚宴
- Cruise– 遊艇、啤酒、かんぱい!在高雄港與同行和導師們一起享受日本首款奢華啤酒