Tony west

EP. 132 [EN] From Crisis to Culture: The Steering Force Behind Uber’s Cultural Transformation – Tony West, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary, Uber

Imagine starting a new job at a company grappling with internal sexual harassment allegations, a major license revocation in a key market, a data security breach and many other legal woes: all the above were true when Tony walked into his first day as Chief Legal Officer at Uber. Fast forward seven years later, we caught Tony at his Asia tour -- connected by one of CAREhER's very own member -- so we could hear this story first hand, and learn from his journey at Uber to turn around one of the most tarnished reputations in the business world, but most importantly, one that re-shaped the workplace culture of its 20,000+ employees at the time, with millions more of customers whose safety they had to protect.

April Salon Talk:An Impactful Luncheon with CAREhER x Carrefour

【 Salon talk 】四月的 salon talk 讓我們邊吃邊聊。為了響應 4 月 22 日世界地球日,CAREhER 將與 Sugar Pea Cafe & Heritage Bakery & Cafe 合作,將家樂福的非籠飼雞蛋及透明吐司融入早午餐菜單,並邀請家樂福企業永續總監蘇小真擔任食物轉型大使,親自為我們講解食物轉型理念、企業社會責任以及企業如何響應永續目標,也分別邀請台灣動物社會研究會副執行長陳玉敏(04/10 場)以及宏國建設執行長暨五感十築創新長林鈺芳(05/01 場)一同響應做講者,希望與會的各位能成為更有意識的消費者,一起透過日常選擇,產生對環境及社會的長遠影響。
stakeholder engagement speaker-2

March Salon Talk:Stakeholder Engagement 有效經營妳的利害關係人

【 Salon talk 】在企業成長或升遷的過程中,是否有感受到負責的專案複雜度與規模日漸增大,每當要做決策時,都要同時顧及好多人的意見與立場,舉步維艱呢?因此這次,我們要來聊利害關係人議合( Stakeholder engagement),讓美商奇異公司任職政府暨政策事務總監的 Gwen 以及 Pinkoi 共同創辦人 Peter 來帶領我們,分別從企業及新創兩種截然不同的視角,辨識專案中的利害關係人,並在錯綜複雜的關係中建立對專案的共識,讓大家得以往共同目標邁進。

#ClubCAREhER Money with Autonomy Salon Talk:NFTs – Not just a JPEG 不只是個數位圖檔

【 線上直播 salon talk 】在科技以飛快速度進步的同時,我們在去年底舉辦了第一場加密貨幣 Salon Talk,也看到了女性們對於 Web 3.0 及未來虛擬世界所展現出的強烈好學心,當財務自主權回到我們手中後,然後呢?這次,讓我們來談談 NFT( Non-Fungible Token ),透過跨世代的兩位講者:步入 40 歲具有金融機構經驗的 Justin &冒險積極的 20s 歲代表 Justin ,手把手帶你認識且操作 NFT 的奇幻世界。

#ClubCAREhER Inclusive Leadership Salon Talk:企業文化 Company Culture

2022 是從 New Normal 中站穩腳步,準備更加茁壯成長的一年,我們也發現很多會員身為創業家、中小企業主等等,在擴大團隊的過程中都在思考如何建立健康的公司文化,同時培養團隊默契並以更多的內在動能來驅動成長。帶領大家一同思考的是之前在 Google、Facebook 等世界一流公司有超過 15 年工作經驗,目前為企業顧問 跟 life coach 的 Jennifer,以及在台灣及新加坡外商金融業有 10 年以上人力資源經歷,目前進入家族企業準備接班的 Iris ,從他們在不同職場領域的實戰經驗中分享與交流。