EP. 125【EN】Navigating Career Pivots with Financial Confidence – Noriko Shindo, COO at HUE

What would you do if you faced an important career pivot but there’s so much fear of the unknown that prevents you from making that leap? For Noriko Shindo, now COO of her own startup, it was taking her fear and breaking it down to pieces with what she knew the best: a spreadsheet. Sounds counterintuitive? Listen to Nori’s journey when she realized juggling between parenthood and a demanding career actually helped her realize what she was yearning the most – entrepreneurship, and how she made it happen.


Noriko Shindo 新藤徳子, COO (Chief Operations Officer) at HUE

Nori is a bilingual customer-facing product and strategy specialist with a proven record at Citi and Amazon. INSEAD MBA Class of July 2017. Founded veggino – a free, bilingual vegan website – in 2018, and Ekolokal in 2020. Currently COO (Chief Operations Officer) at HUE – a fun foodie social media app.

Navigating the delicate balance between career ambitions and personal fulfillment, Nori, the Chief Operating Officer of HUE, shares with us her journey from quitting her corporate job to pursuing entrepreneurship. 


Have you asked yourself lately, “What do I want going forward, and what can I do about it today?” For Nori, she knew she wanted to quit her job at Amazon so she took her experience in banking, and built a spreadsheet to conduct a comprehensive financial checkup, and forecasted her capability to handle the risk. This clarity gave her the confidence to turn her aspirations into a concrete plan.

Her advice?

  • Knowing when to say no. Prioritizing what truly matters allows for focused energy and a more intentional path
  • The power of trying – “I’d rather try than regret not trying.”

Now leading her own startup, Noriko is building an AI-powered app that addresses a common challenge — not knowing where to eat — while at the same time, empowering small businesses and restaurants with more opportunities to thrive. Her journey serves as an inspiration; a reminder that the intersection of self-discovery and entrepreneurship can lead to meaningful and impactful endeavours!


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【Happy Hour x Member Brand Story】一場突如其來的免疫疾病,讓從小負笈美國,徹底接受西方飲食文化的沛如,開始重新審視食物和自我的關係,從「不」的身體困境破繭而出。她尋索灣區的慢食文化,訴說動人的食農故事;她和流散者相遇,展開食物殖民的反思;鼓勵自己動手做,找回健康的主導權;創造從食物出發的親子關係,並與土地親近;從正念飲食到心靈食物,從農夫市集到永續農場,帶來食療的跨國際觀察;認識飲食並不是非黑即白,破除「吃」的迷思。

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