Moon is an entrepreneur and public speaker who has helped multiple startups and corporations with new digital business ventures and worldwide expansion. She is actively involved in technology startups and communities, specialising in MedTech and software businesses. Moon started her digital innovation services venture DigitSense at the age of 25. The company is currently working with clients over 20 different countries and across all continents and technology fields.
來自香港的 Moon 從 25 歲開始她的數位軟體事業,也好巧不巧地碰到了 Covid 剛開始的艱難時期。目前在英國的她領導著跨國團隊,利用不同時區的「優勢」幫助客戶走向數位優化、擬出路徑圖。
在這次的專訪中,她也解釋了數位轉型 (digital transformation) 與數位優化 (digital optimization) 兩者的差別,前者動員了整體後勤的效率,後者則更輕度一些,但更可能在短時間內看見並計算利益。
Freya 從彈性的混合辦公,到今年十月開啟了在日本的新章節,她也和 Moon 談起遠距辦公的心得,儘管每個產業有不同特性,管理遠距團隊的道理卻殊途同歸,將彈性與尊重融入於彼此合作。
【 在這集聽她說 】
- 妳知道「數位轉型」跟「數位優化」有程度上的不同嗎?
- 進化學習中的聊天機器人
- 如果妳在經營的事業也正經歷數位轉型…
- 全年無休的數位產品:一個在不同時區的國際團隊反倒變成必須
- 遠距團隊成員不談工作的咖啡時間
- 身為年輕的女性創業家,她的經驗
【 延伸閱讀 】
Tokyo Chapter
After 3 years of growing our community and empowering leadership in over 1000+ women in our home base in Taipei, we’re so happy to announce that we’re headed to Tokyo.
Through community connections, content, curations and consulting, we provide the necessary resources for women to advance leadership and build credible support nets.
We cordially invite you to join us at our first Tokyo Meet Up, gathering professional and global talents based in Tokyo for a private and curated networking event. We look forward to celebrating the new year in reflecting, goal setting and engaging in wonderful conversations!
Jan 13th 2023 | 19:30 | apéro. wine bar aoyamaare