#EnoughisEnough ─ Raise Awareness & Stop Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans

美國在過去的一年裡,仇恨犯罪(hate crimes)急速成長 149%,尤其是針對亞裔和亞裔女性,更演變出在亞特蘭大造成八人死亡的槍擊慘劇。但這一切,卻因針對種族因素採證困難,而難以用仇恨犯罪來定罪。恐懼和歧見距離我們如此之近,CAREhER 編輯帶領我們思考這些環環相扣的現象,讓我們透過瞭解來抵抗無知和偏見。

CAREhER 編輯部:有不少的會員和讀者都在美國生活過、或者有親朋好友在美國。最近層出不窮針對亞裔的犯罪和歧視現象攀升,嚴重到槍擊案並釀成八人死亡的慘劇,都讓人擔憂並驚覺,繼疫情改變了我們的生活之後,原來人和人之間的歧視和仇恨,卻距離我們如此之近。這其中更有多起針對女性的案件,讓我們不禁感受到威脅和恐懼 — 而這種恐懼,很多時候是更多壓力、也甚至轉變成其它種偏見的來源。

那麼這種無力感和壓力,我們該怎麼去理解? CAREhER 編輯部認為,透過瞭解現象和系統性的思考,才能賦與我們判別的能力並決定應對方式。亞裔在美國素有「模範少數族群」model minority 之稱;勤奮、上進、但也隱藏著這個族群習慣自掃門前雪的冷漠。這次我們特別邀請 CAREhER 編輯 Yee Ling 為我們抽絲剝繭,帶領我們思考這些環環相扣的現實。

In the past year, for us based in Asia, we have been battling the pandemic and its effects. Across the Pacific, in the US, apart from the risks of Covid-19 and living with overwhelmed healthcare system, hate crimes rose from 49 in 2019 to 122 in 2020, an increase of 149%.

  • Mar 2021- 8 killed in Atlanta spa shooting, 6 of whom were Asian women.
  • Feb 2021 – A stranger on the New York subway slashed a 61-year-old Filipino American passenger’s face with a box cutter.
  • Jan 2021 – An 84-year-old Thai immigrant in San Francisco, California, died after being violently shoved to the ground during his morning walk.
  • July 2020 – An 89-year-old Chinese woman was slapped and set on fire by two people in Brooklyn, New York.


  • 2021年3月:亞特蘭大水療館槍擊案造成八死,其中六名皆為亞裔女性
  • 2021年2月:一名61歲菲裔美國人搭乘紐約地鐵時,遭陌生男子持美工刀劃傷臉龐
  • 2021年1月:加州舊金山一名84歲的泰國移民在晨間散步時,被粗暴推倒在地致死
  • 2020年7月:一名89歲的華裔女性在紐約布魯克林被兩人甩巴掌並放火燒身


These are just a few examples of recent violent attacks on Asian Americans. Often associated with the rhetoric that blames Asian people for the spread of Covid-19, these incidents are even more glaring because overall hate crimes dropped 7% overall amid closures of businesses, schools and public gatherings because of the pandemic.


The Challenges with Accurate Reporting and Charge


For incidents that are criminal in nature, many of the attacks have not been charged as hate crimes. The problem with not being charged as a hate crime is that it does not show the extent to which Asian-Americans are being targeted, and they have also not led to arrests. To constitute a hate crime, prosecutors have to show that victims are targeted because of their race. For example, many Asian crime victims are small business owners who were robbed, thus complicating the question of motive.


Encourage Incident Reporting – Let the Numbers Speak!


In a response to this escalation, the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco formed Stop AAPI Hate. This group invites Asian Americans who have experienced hate to report the incidents. In the past 12 months from Mar 2020, almost 3,800 incidents have been reported. What is less often mentioned is that these incidents have happened mostly against women, and that incidents are massively under-reported.

為了應對犯罪率的上升,舊金山州立大學亞裔美國人研究系成立了「Stop AAPI Hate(停止仇視亞太裔)」小組。該小組請遭遇過仇恨事件的亞裔美國人回報這些事件。2020年3月以來的12個月中,小組已收到近3800起事件的回報。很少被討論到的是,這些事例大多針對女性,而且這些事例的報導嚴重不足。

(來源:Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center)

What is Being Done at a National Level


After Biden was sworn into office in January 2021, he signed a memorandum to combat bias incidents toward Asian Americans. The memorandum issues guidance on how to better collect data and assist with the reporting of anti-Asian hate incidents. In March, he announced additional actions which include a Covid-19 equity task force committee dedicated to ending xenophobia against Asian-American (including Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander communities), expanding on a White House initiative to coordinate across federal agencies to combat anti-Asian bias and violence, and allocating $49.5M to a new grant program to survivors in the AAPI who have suffered domestic violence and sexual assault.


What is Being Done at a Community Level


At a community level, we see initiatives by small business owners, most notably Eric Sze, chef-owner of 886 Taiwanese restaurant in NYC. #EnoughisEnough was launched on 12th Feb 2021 and raised $76,000, which surpassed the initial goal of $25,000. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the surge in hate crimes in the US against the AAPI community – as daily activities such as going for a walk, commuting on the subway and visiting the grocery store have become bigger risks than ever. The 22 food businesses in the campaign are throwing their weight behind this because they know that thousands of seniors and other New Yorkers are depending on them.
Whilst no longer accepting donations, you can follow the initiative here and join the conversation to brainstorm what they could do next.

以社區層級而言,我們能見到小型商家投身參與,最著名的是紐約市臺菜餐廳「886」的老闆兼廚師 Eric Sze(史官)。#EnoughisEnough(#是可忍孰不可忍)於2021年2月12日推行,籌集了76000美元,超過了初始目標25000美元。這場運動旨在喚起大眾的注意:美國針對亞太裔社群的仇恨犯罪激增──普通的日常活動,如散步、搭地鐵通勤、逛雜貨店等等,也得面臨前所未見的風險。22家餐飲商不遺餘力地投身此運動,因為他們知道成千上萬的老年人、紐約人都得仰賴他們。



新世代女性是更有意識 (conscious) 的世代,不論身為企業經理人、品牌創業家、消費者,我們都更傾向與具有理念、對社會與環境友善的品牌合作與購買 。

本次 Salon Talk 以「永續 (Sustainability)」為主題,呼應四月的地球日,邀請到關注永續性的 Aesop 品牌 Marketing Manager Jessica and Retail Business Manager Sherry ,以及路由藝術(Nunu Fine Art ) 創辦人 Nunu ,一起加入,與3位講者聊聊,期待結合品牌經營、藝術文化,用不一樣的角度開啟大家的討論 !