2020 was a challenging year for everyone, but with vision, grit and tenacity, CAREhER built a community of over 600 engaging members in Taiwan, connecting millennial business women & women leaders across 11 industries and from 7 cities in Taiwan.
The bonding and growth we witnessed amongst our members was tremendous and was especially impactful given difficult times during the pandemic.
While we continue to deepen our community in Taiwan, connecting women leaders among Asia Pacific has always been our core mission.
Singapore Luncheon
上個週末,我們在 Redhouse Seafood Restaurant 開啟了 CAREhER 在新加坡的第一場 luncheon。
有十多年數位行銷經驗,曾在 Google 擔任 Head of Sales APAC 的Gina Chiang 和我們的合夥人 Yee Ling Chang 兩人用自身經驗、以 “Embrace Transitions” 為題,分享她們如何在人生面臨的轉變時候,踏出舒適圈,以取得更進一步的突破與學習。
Last weekend, we launched our first event in Singapore. CAREhER co-founder Yee Ling Chang invited Gina Chiang as a guest speaker. Gina has more than a decade of working experience in digital marketing and was the Head of Sales APAC at Google. They shared how to embrace career transitions and life changes, and the theme of the luncheon was aptly titled “Embrace Transitions”.
Stepping out of your comfort zone- when we are in a transitory phase, we are more open to picking up a new skill.
Two of our members shared their recent experiences of facing transitions. An engineer from GE Aviation looking for a career change learning data science while doing her MBA, and a mum of 2 in her late 30s learnt how to ride a bicycle after moving to Singapore in the midst of the pandemic.
Find simple but effective ways to demonstrate your ability to learn and problem solve.
Guest speaker Gina Chiang, who started out her career in finance but made a switch to the tech industry, had to learn technical skills and did so by taking small steps. Even by networking the few laptops she had at home, this demonstrated her ability to learn new skills and how she was resourceful in finding solutions.
Although Taiwan and Singapore have different working cultures, women in leadership positions/ women in business face similar limitations and challenges. Gina and Yee Ling had a great time sharing their experiences and spent an afternoon talking with participating members.
Everyone was delighted to meet like-minded friends and we are looking forward to organising more events for the CAREhER community in Singapore!
Next Event

* 台灣會員敬請期待 3 月 7 日 國際婦女節論壇 IWD Summit 2021 #SparkLeadership
* The next event will be on March 7th in Taiwan. Live Stream Tickets Available.
活動詳情請見 More Information:https://careher.net/international-womens-day-summit-sparkleadership/