Singapore Luncheon- Scaling Up and Hire Smart

CAREhER Singapore will be hosting an exclusive luncheon tailored for women founders who are looking to scale their team and lead with authentic leadership. Join us for an intimate roundtable discussion where you will discover practical tools and strategies to leverage your existing resources for maximum impact. Learn from successful founders on how to prioritize and allocate resources effectively in a growing business.

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -自分自身への投資

女性にとって、金銭面や自己成長、人脈作り、キャリアの機会など、人生のさまざまな側面で自分自身に投資することはとても重要です。4月20日に東京で“lunch with a mentor”イベントを開催します。 イベントのテーマは「Investing in ourselves (自分自身への投資)」- 参加者の女性たちは、ゲストであるメンターから貴重なインサイトが得られ、これからの自己投資について考えることができる貴重な機会になります。

Mentor Luncheon-Navigating Transitions in Life

Are you recently facing transitions in life- let it be starting a new job, taking on a new work function, relocation, starting your own business or becoming a mother- major changes in life is scary sometimes, that'w why mentorship is so valuable to guide us through these moments. Join our February lunch in Tokyo with three incredible mentors.

HK| Highlight – Unlocking Growth through Community

On Sunday, we wrapped up our first luncheon in Hong Kong. While we have been running our signature #CAREhERExperiences in Tokyo and Singapore already, we decided to do something different in Hong Kong. Instead of doing one sided, “fire-side chats”, Kate and CAREhER's CEO Tiffany decided to run group discussions focusing on the commonality among the participants.

Tokyo x October – Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy Luncheon

It’s always the authentic connections that makes a thriving community - and we are so grateful to be able to bring CAREhER to Tokyo with the support of these amazing women. Thank you to all those who joined us at CAREhER’s 4th Tokyo Luncheon this past weekend. Seeing over 30 women coming from Tokyo, Fukuoka and L.A. was truly amazing. We loved welcoming everyone and seeing new & old connections being made.

Tokyo Luncheon- Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy

Hello Tokyo community! We can’t wait to see you all again at our next Tokyo Chapter gathering, featuring a salon talk on "Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy", followed by a networking brunch with Michiko Ashizawa, Associate Professor at Keio Business School and Nori Shindo, a series entrepreneur and women in tech.