Hello everyone,
The purpose of this “Curate” is to share some interesting readings relevant to this month’s special issue – business strategy and development. As the articles/ papers tend to be longer, I will share the key points so that you can grasp their essence, and come back to the longer version when you have a break 🙂
Let’s start with the big picture and see what the predictions are for corporate Asia’s performance and the need for reskilling. We will then check how the luxury industry is coping with the current crisis.
Finally, we will deep dive into the secrets of successful female networkers and the psychology of office politics.
Corporate Asia’s performance 亞洲企業的表現

In a very insightful discussion paper released by McKinsey Global Institute earlier this month, we find a thorough analysis of how companies are performing in Asia – providing an understanding of the post-covid-19 challenges and how Asia can emerge stronger from the crisis.
Despite the agility and dynamism of Corporate Asia building its resilience, McKinsey highlights that market stagnation has started to become a recurring problem.
More details here |
- 在過去的十年中,亞洲企業發展迅速,並在全球範圍內佔有舉足輕重的地位。按收入計算,它們佔全球最大企業的43%
- 但是,規模和收入的增長並未轉化為更高的經濟利潤。以全球來說,由於大量廉價資本,回報率有所下降。
- COVID-19的流行,可能會使表現佳的企業與表現不佳的企業之間的鴻溝擴大。
- 通過改善公司的績效,並投資於持續創造價值的行業,亞洲可以創造4,400億至6,200億美元的經濟利潤。
- 亞洲企業可以在五個領域表現良好的績效:製藥,消費品,能源和材料,房地產和銀行。
- 亞洲企業仍需要探索未來的機遇,通過加速數位化轉型來增強能力,以在更加動蕩的環境中維持長期增長,且通過併購和不斷的區域化來建立起規模,同時在投資組合的管理上維持大膽與靈活。
Reskilling and upskilling can transform the future of work for women

Regarding the topic of accelerating digital adoption mentioned in the previous article, I believe this to be especially relevant to women in the workforce.
When business models are disrupted, employment is profoundly impacted. This will result in significant job creation, but also displacement. Reskilling and upskilling then become necessary steps to improve the corporate gender balance and speed up the pace of progress on diversity, on the journey towards innovation and resilience.
In the current models, women are the ones having their career frequently disrupted. With the fast pace of change in technology, companies do need to offer reskilling/ upskilling options.
關於上一篇文章(延伸閱讀:GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES WITH KARINE 音樂、藝術、時尚 :新冠病毒帶來的(正向)改變)中提到的加速數位轉型的主題,我認為這與勞動力中的女性特別相關。
More details here |
- 95%處於被技術淘汰風險的工人可以接受再培訓,以獲得薪水更高或更好的工作。
- 到2022年,全球至少有54%的員工需要經過大量的技能再培訓。今日,一項職業技能的半衰期約為五年,並且數值仍在下降。
- IMF預測,由於數位科技的存在,女性目前擁有的工作中有11%處於被淘汰的風險,比例高於男性。
- 技能重塑也提供了一種令人振奮的策略,可以使已經在職業中期被迫離開職場的婦女重新投入工作。
- 在未來的十年,公司可以通過提高技能來訓練仍未被注目的女性人才,並確保女性不會面臨大量失業。
- 提供技能提升的政策,將培養女性員工具備在數位轉型時代成為領導者所需的技能。
Luxury Industry

A recent study conducted by Bain predicts a decline of 20 to 35 percent of global sales for luxury handbags, clothing, and cosmetics in 2020. So far, this robust industry managed to stave off several crises. For instance, the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 only shaved 9 percent off its value. But the return to business as usual appears to be quite unlikely this time.
Reinventing the brands’ digital and e-commerce approaches will be a key shift for the industry, building on the latest technologies while executing consistently with the brand storytelling.
In this article, ten of the top minds in luxury share their thoughts on the business strategy and trade’s post-pandemic future. It is all about digitalization, customization and sustainability.
Bain 最近進行的研究預測,到2020年,全球的奢侈品、服裝和化妝品的銷售額將下降20%至35%。到目前為止,這個行業成功避免了幾次危機。例如,2008-2009年的全球金融危機僅使價值縮水了9%。但在這次的疫情影響下,似乎不太可能恢復正常營業。
- 儘管2020年已經被認為是「現代奢侈品史上最糟糕的一年」,但多數專家卻對該產業的危機處理能力持樂觀態度。
- 機會在於通過「非常個人」的奢侈品講故事,這對於每個佩戴者都具有意義。
- 我們現在必須思考的是,吸引那些不會在短期內不斷購物的消費者。我們需要少考慮季節性趨勢,而多考慮可以持續保持品質的產品。
- 品牌將努力生產數量更少、質量更高,價值更高的產品,並且將更加謹慎地管理供應鏈,而消費者將對針對此更動有所需求。
- 聯合國稱,由於其漫長的供應鍊和高耗能的生產,時尚業消耗的能源比航空和航運業的總和還要多,製造奢侈品的過程,產生大量廢物和污染水道。
Livestream host Yvonne Ching (left) with guest celebrity Zhong Chuxi (right).
Latest news from the industry: Emma Watson joins board of Gucci owner Kering.
Office politics and Networking 辦公室政治與角力
I have very often regarded office politics as something “toxic” to avoid because it is very difficult to navigate – it is like unwritten rules that determine who gets what, when, and how…
“man is by nature a political animal.”
But I also figured out that there is also such a thing as good office politics and that the best way to deal with the topic is probably to play with it versus complaining about it.
- 我們所說的企業文化,為其辦公室中所需遵循的規則提供了線索。
- 不良的政治:通過任何必要的手段得利於自己。
- 良好的政治:提高自己的利益,卻沒有忽視他人的權利或組織的合法利益。
- 良好的政治可以分為四個方面:
1 /社交敏銳度:能夠閱讀他人的能力以及了解他人的自我意識。
2 /人際關係影響:具有令人信服的能力,可以影響他人的想法和方式。
3 /社交能力:與來自不同背景的人群,建立互惠關係的能力。
4 /誠意:誠實,開放和坦率。他人認為你誠實的重要性,遠大於你認為自己誠實。
Regarding the Networking Ability, I was surprised to read that although women are often seen as more “social” than men, according to the 2018 Women in the Workplace report by LeanIn.org, women actually network less than men. They tend to underutilize this powerful soft skill and self-impose barriers as gendered modesty. They tend to undersell their value and strengths and are reluctant to leverage their connections to achieve clear career advancement motives.
But some female leaders do establish strong networks — and they garner greater influence and more-senior positions as a result. What are they doing differently?
關於社交能力,讓我驚訝的是,儘管LeanIn.org的《 2018年職場女性報告》顯示,儘管女性通常被認為比男性更懂得「社交」,但女性的人脈網絡實際上卻比男性少。女性往往沒有充分利用這項強大的軟實力,設置障礙並自以為是一種謙虛。他們傾向於低估自己的價值和優勢,不願利用自己的人脈,來達成職業發展的目的。
- 高效:晉升至最高職位的女性高管,在時間管理上「更具戰略性和思想性」。
- 敏捷:成功的女性網絡更加靈活。高層女性知道何時應該偏重新建立的關係,而不再仰賴過往的關係。
- 跨越邊界:最高級別、人脈最豐富的女性在各種職能、地理位置和不同部門中與人們聯繫。
- 能量平衡:表現最佳的人被視為網絡中最富有活力的人,他們讓工作更有參與感,從而推動了更好的績效。