Hello everyone and welcome to the first edition of “Macarons with Karine”
The idea of this column is to bring to the CAREhER community a new external lens by curating content and selecting relevant readings from current affairs, technology, lifestyle, fashion, well-being…
We hope you like it and look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions for other topics, or topics that you would like a deep-dive into.
Insights 觀點
Music, Art, and Fashion: how Covid-19 is changing (positively) those industries.
- Let the music play The Covid-19 crisis has hit the global music industry hard. While concerts and music festivals have been canceled around the world, the crisis has demonstrated the role that music plays in bringing communities together, and its ability to reinvent itself through the crisis.
“As music consumption becomes increasingly digital, there is a growing role for third-party platforms in shaping music distribution, discovery and consumer behaviour.”
- Virtual Catwalk and Digital Fashion. The fashion industry is going through a profound change. According to the industry experts, the time has come to rethink seasonality and the current business model. For example, Saint Laurent has announced that it would not stage any runway shows for the remainder of the year, and will show clothes on a self-determined calendar.
“COVID-19 is forcing brands to engage and experiment with immersive technologies. We’ve been inundated with requests on how to create virtual clothing, virtual catwalks and virtual showrooms.” Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Fashion Innovation Agency (FIA)
- Let’s go to Paris and visit the Musee d’Orsay!
During the lockdown in France, my sister was quite bored and hungry for culture – trying to find good virtual museum experiences. Many museums have created online tours, from basic Youtube videos to full VR experience.
You can definitely say that the Musée d’Orsay did a great job! This museum holds the largest collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist works in the world. I grew up in Paris and actually only went there once!
You can click your way through the very best among them thanks to interactive galleries featuring van Gogh, Cézanne, Degas and more. You can even play with the Art Projector which lets you see how artworks look in actual size in front of you.
Because we all need a culture fix while we cannot travel 🙂 If you want to continue your cultural journey, you can also visit the British Museum!
- 虛擬走秀與數位時尚
資深時尚業人員表示,該是時候來重新思考,時尚產業的季節性與目前商業模式。例如,YSL 已表示今年將不再舉辦任何實體走秀活動,僅按照自訂日程發表新裝。
- 一起去趟巴黎,到奧賽博物館一遊
幸好許多博物館都開始提供線上導覽,除了 Youtube 影片,也有完整的虛擬實境體驗。
感謝博物館設置了互動藝廊,現在我們只要動動滑鼠,就可以欣賞梵谷、塞尚、竇加等大師的成名傑作。Art Projector APP 甚至可以模擬出作品實際大小,直接展現在妳面前。

Food for thought 一些啟發
Why women leaders are excelling during the coronavirus pandemic
You might all have seen this image on your social media feed and looking through this list, it’s tempting to arrive at the conclusion that women must be better at dealing with this crisis because of their gender and their ability to be more empathetic. But isn’t it a bit reductionist?
“Resilience, pragmatism, benevolence, trust in collective common sense, mutual aid, and humility are mentioned as common features of the success of these women leaders.”
Why it matters: When it comes to women and politics, it seems quite key to broaden our perspective and enrich the debate!

If you have 3 more minutes…如果還有三分鐘
In this Covid-19 environment, where the main goal is to remain healthy and protect our family, space-related issues and debates are very far from our reality. Yet, space is more relevant to our daily lives than ever before.
The story: SpaceX made history last month, flying NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken to space aboard its Crew Dragon spacecraft using a Falcon 9 rocket.
Background: The capsule carrying the two NASA astronauts docked at the International Space Station on Sunday, May 31st, less than a day after a launch that marked the first time humans had ever traveled to orbit in a spacecraft built and operated by a private company.
Why it matters: In a field that has been traditionally male-dominated, we’ve actually reached milestones for Women in Space. Earlier this year, NASA’s latest astronaut graduates almost half women
Go deeper: Listen to Christina Koch, a space pioneer – She holds the record for the longest time a woman’s been in orbit, just spent 11 months in space and then returned to a nation under lockdown…
故事:上個月,SpaceX(太空探索技術公司)用自家生產的 Crew Dragon 太空艙,還有獵鷹9號運載火箭,成功將 NASA 兩位太空人 (Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken) 送上外太空,創造了歷史性時刻。
背景:載著兩位 NASA 太空人的太空艙,於5月31日星期天,與國際太空站對接成功。從發射到對接,只用了不到一天的時間。這也是史上第一次,民間企業所建造的太空艙,讓人類登入太空,展開了太空軌道旅行的新扉頁。
為什麼重要:太空相關產業過往皆以男性員工居多,但今年上半年,最新一批 NASA 結訓的太空人,幾乎半數都是女性。太空產業裡的女性人數,無疑立下了新的里程碑。
深入了解:聽聽看太空先行者 Christina Koch 的特殊經歷。她在太空裡待了整整11個月,是「在太空軌道裡住過最久的女性」紀錄保持人。但當她回到地球時,卻發現地球正在全境封鎖中…

Miscellaneous 有的沒的
Watch: In the French media, Gentefied on Netflix has been highly recommended. We gave it a try with my husband and we loved it!
It is a bilingual series about a Hispanic family in Los Angeles whose livelihood is threatened in a rapidly gentrifying Los Angeles neighborhood. It takes a few episodes to get hooked but I found it fun and sensitive while touching on very real contemporary issues.
Cook: Sharing with you my favorite “no idea what to cook for dinner” recipe: Creamy Mushroom Chicken. Very easy and the whole family will love it – with rice or pasta and a glass of white wine 😉
Smile: Before I gave birth to my daughter, a lot of people would tell me that being a parent is the most rewarding and the most challenging job ever. This is very true! This is quite old but still a brilliant campaign from American Greetings that I’d like to share. Not a sponsored post, just feeling that this perspective is very smart 🙂
That’s it for this week!
法國媒體推薦 Netflix 上的影集 Gentefied(上游夢)。我跟先生觀看以後,兩人都十分喜歡。
在生女兒之前,許多人告訴我,育兒是一份最有意義的工作,我十分認同!American Greetings 曾做過一場很精彩的行銷活動,想跟各位分享。我覺得這個觀點,真是十分睿智呢。