Business Strategy& Development in the new normal

本周的的商業策略系列專題,我們將探討在疫情過後的商業變化下,企業能夠如何抓準方向,將危機化為轉機點,進而搶奪先機。另外人才在面對企業轉型下,可以從哪些面向增添優勢,為自己在求職過程中加分呢?今天我們邀請到 Sandy 透過訪談家族企業經營第三代,以及集結許多高階經理人的觀點,為大家整理「商業再造」後的應對策略。



企業的策略改革與轉型在疫情的影響下,成為經營者的重要課題。知名顧問公司麥肯錫的 「7-S 模型」就指出,企業除了戰略外,必須全方位考慮共同價值擁有對的人才。(延伸閱讀:新常態下的商業策略與開發

Business reengineering and change management

The advent of the pandemic has accelerated digitalisation for many businesses globally. Because cities have been locked down, daily habits have been forced to change, and businesses both small and large have had to make strategic adjustments and innovate.

The most obvious market change is the growth of e-commerce. Because of social distancing measures, people avoided going out and instead opted for online shopping and delivery. Also, the ability to allow many employees to work from home is made possible through technology and innovation, it has become the key to how some companies have survived this pandemic.  For example, companies like Facebook and Twitter announced that remote work will be listed as the normal working mode going forwards.

This pandemic has compelled companies to rethink their strategy, with business transformation becoming an important topic for all business operators. In the 7-S model of consulting company McKinsey, having the right talent is just as important as having a good strategy, and this couldn’t be more apparent than in the situation we see today as businesses are going through this phase of transformation. 

企業轉型 – 如何成為核心團隊的一員

舉個食品產業為案例,「丸莊醬油」家族第四代的副總經理莊偉中先生,特別有感地分享對這次商業危機的觀察。 他提到:「 因為疫情,大家在家的時間變多了,消費者開始注重生活品質。原本習慣外食的族群,也開始嘗試開發新料理,有更多時間來安排自己的時間。」

他在危機中所看到的是「轉機」與「商機」。他認為消費者「悶」久了而累積的慾望與期待,在疫情之後的釋放,可能會帶動一波更繁盛的商業機會。因此對經營者的策略走向來說,產品必須跟著大眾習慣的改變而改變,例如研發 「新愛煮年輕族群」可能用的餐品,及帶有生活態度的商品等。透過新一波的商業策略,打動覺醒的消費紀錄。 

除了莊副總的分享,其他高階經理人、新一代的企業負責人也不約而同指出,企業會趁這一波疫情影響,積極轉型與改革。因為當大齒輪都在轉動 (推動改革) 時,改變所帶來的風險會相對較低。 (延伸閱讀:在「疫情後社會」管理妳的事業 – 新竹豐邑喜來登實際案例 & 國際獵頭的建議方針

換句話說,今天不論任何產業,高層管理團隊背負的使命可能是短捨離的求生,或透過更新策略規劃的力量,抓緊時機再加碼投資,搶佔商業地位。 然而所有決策都需要掌握對的團隊與人才,方能完成。 

Transformation and how to be part of the core team 

Let’s take the food industry as a case study. In an interview with Mr Zhuang Weizhong, the deputy general manager and next gen of Wuan Chuang Soy Sauce, he shares his observations of the pandemic on his business. Because of the pandemic, everyone has more time at home, and consumers begin to pay more attention to their quality of life. While people used to eat out more often, now they cook more at home and experiment with making new dishes. For his business, what he saw was ‘turnaround’ and ‘opportunities’. 

As consumers start to feel bored and restless after spending too much time at home, there will also be other opportunities. There will be pent up yearnings, and they will want to let out these accumulated desires. Business operators can think ahead as to what changes in consumer behaviour there could be based on this, and adjust their strategic direction accordingly. For example, it could be research & development into creating products that target the audience of “loves to stay in and cook”, and who look for products that reflect their values in life e.g. traditionally produced, ethically made. 

Other managers and the next generation of management for the family businesses also pointed out that companies will take advantage of this pandemic to implement transformation and reform. Because the external environment is changing, to implement change internally now is lower risk. Whichever industry one is in today, the immediate goal of the senior management team may be short-term survival. However, by reviewing the business strategy it could be an opportune moment now to increase investment and gain larger market share. However, all these decisions require having a team with the right skills and talent for implementation. 



Why should job seekers pay special attention to business strategy?

When a company’s business model changes, using digital marketing has become the main approach in attracting new customers. The transformation requires an employee skilled in digital marketing to make the new business model work. However, just being skilled in digital marketing in itself is not sufficient – the job seeker must be able to grasp the business and industry trends so as to run effective campaigns. Regardless of layoffs that are happening as a result of the pandemic, there are still opportunities and what managers seek when they look for talent is not just the basic skill of doing a job. Candidates who have a circle of influence, strong personal brand, and a community/ network they can bring to the business has become a job search advantage.