A Playbook in the time of Covid-19
最壞的時刻也可以是最好的時刻 – 在疫情中穩定妳的力量

疫情終將結束,但疫情的結束不會把我們帶回原本的世界,我們即將面對的,是一個新的常態、新的運作系統。編輯部將推出五篇中英雙語整理,集合 CAREhER 的意見領袖,分享他們從這次疫情學到的經驗和整理。在接下來一系列的特別專題,我們將帶大家從現有工作、未來職涯、產業趨勢到個人生活等不同層面,給予支持性建議與經驗分享,共渡這個不容易的關卡,一起把逆向的路,開往成長。

這些日子,世界事務嚴肅又沉重,當新聞報導充斥著新冠病毒大流行,CAREhER 決定不進一步談論疫情相關的數據與衝擊,而是希望用另一個角度- 「樂觀和前瞻性」,陪伴我們的讀者度過這次難關。


It is a sombre affair these days to keep updated on world affairs – the news coverage is all about the covid pandemic. Rather than deliberate about the pandemic further, at CAREhER, we like to be realistically optimistic and forward looking.

Thus, we decided to put together a playbook for our readers for how best to come out stronger, more skilful and resilient from this unprecedented time.


然而,這是一件壞事嗎?我們認為不是,另種角度來說,疫情加速了一系列本來就已經在發展的事- 去全球化、遠距工作、數位社會、更有效率的團隊合作和領導能力、社會與工作場所的包容性、身心靈健康等等,這些都會是我們這次特別企劃將涵蓋的主題。

Like all things good and bad, this will come to an end. Rather than expecting that things will go back to normal, it is firstly important to point out – it will not be the normal we knew of. It will be a new normal, and many measures that have been implemented in this time will likely stay with us at least for the near future.

Is this necessarily a bad thing? We think not. In some sense, the pandemic accelerated a series of events that were already long in the works – deglobalization, remote work, the digital future, effective teamwork & leadership, inclusiveness in society/ at the workplace, and wellness. These are topics that we will cover in our playbook.

CAREhER 總部位於台北,但團隊成員橫跨亞太區域,我們用更全面的視野,去比對亞太各國應對疫情的狀況。



反觀新加坡,在疫情一開始迅速處理早期危機,但也立即出現確診暴漲。人民總會事後諸葛,評論政府應該做些什麼,但事實上,新加坡可能因未曾面對過 SARS 的波及,缺乏及時和果斷的防疫行動,而採取了優先考慮經濟活動且被動的策略。

CAREhER is based in APAC, headquartered in Taipei and has the benefit of a distributed remote team. As such, we have had a bird’s eye view of how governments from various countries in the region have handled this pandemic. Taiwan emerges strongly as a success story, and this was not due to luck, nor was it the outcome of a trial and error process. It was through Taiwan learning from past experience, planning ahead, taking precautions and making tough decisions.

Although Taiwan was left out of crucial conversations about the virus with WHO and started off in a most vulnerable position, she was independent in gathering her own information and implemented tough measures that would best protect the country.

Singapore, on the other hand, appeared to have handled the crisis well in the beginning only to see a later spike and whilst one can always argue on hindsight what could or should have been done – the reality is that Singapore was probably inexperienced (having escaped SARS relatively unscathed) and lacked taking prompt, precautionary & decisive actions; instead prioritizing economic activities and taking a reactive approach.

因此,在這一系列的專題,我們將重點放在「經驗,蒐集 CAREhER community 中各個傑出的商業領袖來分享她們的經驗。透過她們曾有的失敗或錯誤,我們可以從中探討並且內化、發展出新的見解。從他人經驗學習去避免犯下類似的錯誤,是非常寶貴且有價值的。

由於每一個妳都是 CAREhER community 重要的一員,能夠讓妳聽到、看到有價值的分享,是我們最大的責任。


So, we make the focus of this playbook about experience – and how we are pulling together the most outstanding thought leaders from our community to share their experiences.

Through sharing, learning from others’ experience be it failures or mistakes, we can walk away with new insights. I cannot emphasize how invaluable this is, to be learning from someone else’s experience and to avoid making similar mistakes – and because you are part of our community, it is our duty that you get to hear from the best.

In good times we might easily forget or get complacent, but I hope that sharing at a time like this will make it worthwhile remembering!



CAREhER 其中一位商業領袖,哈佛商學院教授- Laura Huang 在疫情蔓延全球前發表一本新書,書名非常切合此時的世界狀態-  Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage 優勢:化逆境為有利條件 (暫譯)。


This pandemic will certainly cause a shift in the dynamics of the political & economic system of the entire world. As the saying goes, “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity”.

Our CAREhER thought leader Laura Huang, professor at Harvard Business School, published a book earlier this year just before the world came to a standstill due to the pandemic. Her book ‘Edge – Turning Adversity into Advantage’, covers precisely this – what we usually term opportunity, she defines as edge because it is unique to you.

So how do you find your edge in this crisis? In our special series – CAREhER COVID playbook, our articles will take you through industry trends, career opportunities now and wellness tips. Our supportive community will share this difficult time with you, and together, we will discover self growth and emerge stronger.