隨著生成式 AI 在 2023 年的爆發性成長,我們的生活方方面面正經歷翻天覆地的改變。
《經濟學人》預測 2024 年 AI 技術將全面普及到「科技業以外」的產業(沒錯,就是所有人);美國著名的市場研究公司 Forrester Research 更提出超過八成五以上的公司將更深更廣地應用 AI 工具。
這種「帶著些許不安卻興奮成長」也恰恰是 CAREhER 每年舉辦 IWD 國際婦女節論壇的初衷。來到第五屆,我們思考,當我們看向世界,能不能把台灣最重要的產業、最能帶領我們成長的領導者連在一起,幫我們彙整看清跨領域的產業脈絡、挑戰、和機會?能不能號召更多認同 Invest in Women 價值觀的企業,透過企業投資女性,讓更多女性主導的項目落地,也藉由女性消費者帶來更多正向的改變?
於是,2024 國際婦女節 《Invest in Progress – Women Accelerating Change》論壇,就在這樣的努力下,既驕傲又興奮地誕生。籌備的過程橫跨半年以上,也有不止一次,通力協助的夥伴看見今年野心滿滿的講者陣容和咖位,帶點驚訝又好奇地問,CAREhER 是怎麼選擇參與的企業和講者?
這也是 CAREhER 五年以來的成長。而現在,這些領導者們優秀的大腦,還有他們共同激盪的火花,將於 3 月 3 號呈現給你。你準備好接棒,一同參與並加速正向改變了嗎?
合作夥伴 Partnership

活動細節 Event Details
- 日期:2024 年 3 月 3 日 (日)
- 論壇時間:13:00pm – 18:00pm
- 閉門晚宴:19:00pm – 21:00pm
- 議程:
- 12:15 – 13:00 Registration and Check in
- 13:00 – 13:05 Welcome remarks by CAREhER CEO, Tiffany Chou
- 13:05 – 13:15 Opening remarks by CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan, Ian Anderson
- 13:20 – 14:25 Session 1- Talent |Future of Workplace: DEI in a Hybrid World
- 14:25 – 14:50 Intermission
- 14:50 – 15:50 Session 2- Technology | AI for Sustainability to Craft a Greener Future
- 16:00 – 17:00 Session 3- Thrive together |Investing for Impact: Building a Better Tomorrow
- 17:00 – 18:00 Closing Remarks and Networking
- 18:40 – 19:00 Exclusive Networking Dinner Check in
- 19:00 – 21:00 Exclusive Networking Dinner
本論壇將以英文進行。This event will be conducted in English.
歡迎透過 CAREhER 粉絲專頁,或寄信至 contact@careher.net 聯絡我們 。Please feel free to reach out via Facebook message or email at contact@careher.net.
- 論壇地點:臺大醫學人文博物館 | 台北市中正區仁愛路一段 1 號
- 晚宴地點:山海樓 | 台北市中正區仁愛路二段 94 號
Opening Remarks

Ian Anderson
Chief Executive Officer and Board Member , Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan)
主題内容 Panel & Areas of Focus
Talent |Future of Workplace: DEI in a Hybrid World
Technology |AI for Sustainability to Craft a Greener Future
Thrive together |Investing for Impact: Building a Better Tomorrow
Session 1
Talent |Future of Workplace: DEI in a Hybrid World
In talent management, our primary focus is on empowering women to thrive. While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are crucial, achieving true diversity within a flexible workplace presents ongoing challenges. We are deeply involved in Taiwan’s flourishing semiconductor sector, actively exploring collaborations between educational institutions and businesses, as well as advocating for supportive government policies to empower women leaders. Additionally, we’ll discuss strategies for effective talent recruitment, assisting women in re-entering the workforce, and embracing diverse global talent pools.

Betsy Shieh
Commercial Section Chief, American Institute in Taiwan

Poling Liu
Head of Human Resources, Taiwan & Southeast Asia, ASML

Debra Bell
Vice President of DRAM Product Engineering Group, Micron Technology

【Moderator】Jennifer Kang
Head, Corporate Affairs, Brand & Marketing, Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan
Session 2
Technology | AI for Sustainability to Craft a Greener Future
In the evolving semiconductor industry, leaders forge partnerships for sustainability. Tech giants collaborate on energy-efficient innovations to cut carbon emissions. The future demands AI, automation, sustainability, and inclusivity. Join industry leaders to explore this theme balancing tech with human values.

Ann H. Ku
Environment, Science, Technology, and Health Officer (ESTH), American Institute in Taiwan

JT Hsu
Managing Director and Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group

Sandy Chen
Chief Technology and Operations Officer, Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan

【Moderator】Youchi Kuo
Co-founder, ALPHA Camp
Session 3
Thrive together |Investing for Impact: Building a Better Tomorrow
With the world’s attention turning towards renewable energy, impact investing emerges as a pivotal driver in this transition. Women are playing an increasingly prominent role in technology, engineering, environmental science, and investment decision-making. How can organizations enhance support for individual investors, communities, and entrepreneurs, equipping them with the resources needed to make informed investment choices? Let’s delve into the significance of company engagement, recognizing it not merely as a trend but as a critical catalyst advancing renewable energy and green technology development.

Patrick Kong
Chief Financial Officer, Asia, GE Vernova – Gas Power

Daisy Tang
General Manager, Hilti Taiwan

【Moderator】Gwenyth Wang Reeves
Engagement Director, GE Vernova Taiwan
充足的深度連結和社交時間:山海樓晚宴 Networking Dinner
今年,我們也首次舉辦論壇後的 「交流晚宴」,於 2021 榮獲台灣第一顆綠星的山海樓舉辦。米其林綠星是一個對餐廳除了美味和服務品質之外, 還能同時對環境和永續做出頁獻的奬項,更符合我們一整天下來,對於改善我們的地球所做下的美好承諾。
夜幕低垂,在加速的學習後,和來自各產業的領袖及經理人、二代接班者,一起享用山海樓努力傳承、復原 1930 年代的手工菜色,感受台灣料理的燦爛風華。
Our summit this year will be held at National Taiwan University’s Museum of Medical Humanities. As the former lecture hall of the medical school back in the day, we join together to exchange ideas and foster collaborations among 200+ attendees and speakers at this historic venue.
We will also, for the first time, host an exclusive dinner after the forum at the culturally-rich Mountain & Sea House Restaurant, which received Taiwan’s first Michelin Green Star in 2021. The Michelin Green Star is an award that recognizes restaurants not only for their delicious food and service, but also for their dedication to the environment and sustainability. We feel this aligns perfectly with our commitment throughout the day, to contribute positively to our planet.
As night falls after a day of accelerated learning and interactions with leaders, elite professionals across industries, and next-generation successors, we invite you to enjoy these specially curated and handcrafted dishes from the ‘30s, all immersed in the splendid charm of Taiwanese cuisine.
Wine Sponsor
一般票|給還不是 CAREhER 會員的你們
一般論壇半日票 NTD6,000 / 人
👉 適合還不是會員但想要參與本次論壇的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節論壇一日券 x 1
・論壇精緻酒水 x 1
一般一日套票 NTD9,800 / 人
👉 適合還不是會員但想要參與本次論壇及閉門晚宴的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節論壇一日券 x 1
・論壇精緻酒水 x 1
・CAREhER 國際婦女節「山海樓閉門晚宴」席次 x 1
會員票|給 CAREhER 最親愛的會員
會員論壇半日票 NTD4,500 / 人
👉 已是 CAREhER 現有會籍(Connect & Grow / Early Careers / International Chapter)的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節論壇 7 折一日券 x 1
・論壇精緻酒水 x 1
Frequente Flyer 專用票 NTD4,500 / 人
👉 已是 CAREhER Frequente Flyer 會籍的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節論壇 7 折一日券 x 1
・論壇精緻酒水 x 1
・CAREhER 國際婦女節「山海樓」閉門晚宴席次 x 1
會員一日套票 NTD8,000 / 人
👉已是 CAREhER 現有會籍(Connect & Grow / Early Careers / International Chapter) 且想參與本次論壇、閉門晚宴的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節論壇 7 折一日券 x 1
・論壇精緻酒水 x 1
・CAREhER 國際婦女節「山海樓」閉門晚宴席次 x 1
山海樓閉門晚宴 NTD4,500 / 人
👉 無法出席 CAREhER 婦女節論壇但希望參加閉門晚宴的妳
・CAREhER 國際婦女節「山海樓」閉門晚宴席次 x 1
直播共學票 NTD1,080 / 人
👉 無法至現場參與的妳也可以透過直播與我們一同學習
・線上直播共學票 x 1
・一週回看共學票 x 1
我想成為 Club CAREhER 會員,可以怎麼做?
歡迎你成為 CAREhER 會員,和思想相近的女性領袖交流,透過精緻的活動體驗成長 ,繼而成就更有領導力的自己。現在成為 CAREhER 會員,即可享有 2024 IWD Summit 會員票價優惠。
我曾經是 Club CAREhER 會員,如何更新會籍?
- 參與 CAREhER 會員專屬活動
- 舉辦個人品牌故事分享活動(Happy Hour x Member Brand Story)
- CAREhER 年度活動會員優惠折扣
- 成為臉書私密社團 Club CAREhER 的一份子,即時收到獨家活動贈票邀請與內容,並與不同產業的商業女性交流。
- 使用 Club CAREhER 台北會所(位於大安森林公園)
因為 CAREhER 為會員限定的社群,因此每人限購一張會員票券,一般票卷則不限購買次數。
1. 活動前若台灣發生大型嚴重新冠肺炎群聚感染,或政府公告規範管制,主辦單位 (CAREhER) 將取消相關活動,敬請見諒。
2. 活動相關異動訊息公布或票務相關事宜,可隨時於 CAREhER Instagram 獲得第一手資訊,恕不另行通知。
3. 活動前如遇不可抗力之天災,主辦單位以民眾安全為考量,活動將延期或取消,參加民眾不得異議。
4. 報名活動時,也代表你同意主辦單位可以使用於活動拍攝之影音,於 CAREhER 及宣傳夥伴之展覽、宣傳、相關印刷品製作、數位化方式重製、及相關網站使用。
活動付款成功後,如果因為個人因素無法參與,可以向 CAREhER 申請退票。
退票:請至少於活動日前 7天,私訊 CAREhER 粉絲專頁(例:3/3 的活動,請最晚請於 2/25 23:59 前私訊粉專告知。)將會有手續費(2.5%+10元),從票券費用中扣除。