Last weekend, we had opened our chapter in Singapore with our first luncheon on January 23rd - led by our co-founder Yee Ling Chang and guest speaker Gina Chiang - about embracing career transitions, life changes, and adjusting our mindsets.
數不清連續多少日濕冷的台北,在 1 月 3 日 CAREhER 年度盛事 Boss Lady Gala 這一天,綻放出久違的溫煦陽光與整片的蔚藍天空,實在是上天給我們莫大的祝福與驚喜!這樣美好的早晨,80 多位美麗的身影共同穿梭在台北文華東方酒店典雅精緻的文華閣,展開一場思想和情感交流的盛宴。期許 2021 年的我們能更正視每一個人獨特的自我,並透過 CAREhER 來為大家打造一個強大的 support net、共學、自在且自信的成長。
We had a wonderful run in 2020 despite all the challenges, building a strong foundation for CAREhER in Taiwan with 10 events to create meaningful connections among over 600 women leaders & women in business.
Now, we are opening our chapter in Singapore with our first luncheon on January 23rd - led by our co-founder Yee Ling Chang and guest speaker Gina Chiang. Let‘s make meaningful connections and grow.