2024 New Year Party x Tokyo: ELEVATE, EMPOWER & SHINE

2024年はグローバルにあなたの人脈を広げることに挑戦しませんか?-台湾最大の働く女性が集まるネットワーク CAREhER が初めて東京で開催する大規模な New Year Party にぜひ参加してください - 会社員や起業家、フリーランスなどグローバルな活躍を目指す様々な働く女性たちが自身のキャリアのさらなる可能性のために東京・丸の内に集まります-新しいアイデア、新しい人脈、メンターを探している方、ロールモデルの話を聞きたい方、この機会を活用してください"

HK| Highlight – Unlocking Growth through Community

On Sunday, we wrapped up our first luncheon in Hong Kong. While we have been running our signature #CAREhERExperiences in Tokyo and Singapore already, we decided to do something different in Hong Kong. Instead of doing one sided, “fire-side chats”, Kate and CAREhER's CEO Tiffany decided to run group discussions focusing on the commonality among the participants.

Tokyo x October – Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy Luncheon

It’s always the authentic connections that makes a thriving community - and we are so grateful to be able to bring CAREhER to Tokyo with the support of these amazing women. Thank you to all those who joined us at CAREhER’s 4th Tokyo Luncheon this past weekend. Seeing over 30 women coming from Tokyo, Fukuoka and L.A. was truly amazing. We loved welcoming everyone and seeing new & old connections being made.

Tokyo Luncheon- Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy

Hello Tokyo community! We can’t wait to see you all again at our next Tokyo Chapter gathering, featuring a salon talk on "Empowering Women’s Financial Autonomy", followed by a networking brunch with Michiko Ashizawa, Associate Professor at Keio Business School and Nori Shindo, a series entrepreneur and women in tech.

Apr. Salon Talk Highlights: 台北當代的收藏指引 x TAIPEI DANGDAI Co-Director Robin Peckham

【Salon Talk】面對藝術有著淵博的知識與無盡的著迷,台北當代聯合總監、《藝術界》前主編 Robin Peckham 帶著一口流利標準的中文,在 4 月 25 日晚上與我們相聚會所,侃侃而談著「藝術」。有別於藝術給人的飄渺,Robin 從藝術市場基本運作原則開始,用更「落地」的方式帶領我們認識藝術。最後更搶先預覽了 2023 台北當代博覽會精彩作品,一起回顧當天的精彩內容吧。

Apr. Salon Talk Highlights: 法國香氛工藝:歷史到手作調製精油 X 好魔創辦人 Joseph

【Salon Talk】4 月 15 日午後,CAREhER 會所舉辦了 Joseph 的調香工作坊,Joseph 深入淺出地依照他對香氛的熱情跟了解,帶領大家了解香味的歷史、味覺的神經機制、香氣提煉的物理化學方法,以及調香過程中需要理解的基本香調及香味結構。會員們根據 Joseph 精心設計的香譜,加上自己的創意,調製出香水及室內噴霧。

Singapore Highlight- Women’s roles in sustainability

The conversations continued as we moved into our signature #networking session, topics around self love, travels, career, entrepreneurship, motherhood, and even discussions about Taiwan-Singapore potential collaborations were overheard - in a mixture of Singlish, English and Mandarin no less!

2023 CAREHER 年度盛會 X IWD Summit 國際婦女節論壇 —— 下午場活動 Highlight

【 IWD Summit 】眾人於台北表演藝術中心天臺享用午餐後,下半場的兩個焦點座談接力登場。於日本 Google 任職的 Wonjin 帶領了 Panel 2「綠色消費世代 – 女性和影響力投資」,討論女性如何藉由投資選擇為社會與環境帶來正面影響,接著再由 GE 的 Gwen 主持的 Panel 3「綠色能源:推動亞洲的永續轉型」中,與另外兩位講者討論企業為何要協助地區推動能源轉型,女性在其中又有什麼樣的機會。活動進入尾聲,大家又再次回到天臺交流,今年度的 CAREhER IWD 論壇也在美酒與笑聲中完美落幕。