Singapore Highlight- Women’s roles in sustainability

The conversations continued as we moved into our signature #networking session, topics around self love, travels, career, entrepreneurship, motherhood, and even discussions about Taiwan-Singapore potential collaborations were overheard - in a mixture of Singlish, English and Mandarin no less!

2023 CAREHER 年度盛會 X IWD Summit 國際婦女節論壇 —— 下午場活動 Highlight

【 IWD Summit 】眾人於台北表演藝術中心天臺享用午餐後,下半場的兩個焦點座談接力登場。於日本 Google 任職的 Wonjin 帶領了 Panel 2「綠色消費世代 – 女性和影響力投資」,討論女性如何藉由投資選擇為社會與環境帶來正面影響,接著再由 GE 的 Gwen 主持的 Panel 3「綠色能源:推動亞洲的永續轉型」中,與另外兩位講者討論企業為何要協助地區推動能源轉型,女性在其中又有什麼樣的機會。活動進入尾聲,大家又再次回到天臺交流,今年度的 CAREhER IWD 論壇也在美酒與笑聲中完美落幕。

Feb. Salon Talk Highlights: 暢遊 Fika fika 的咖啡風味實驗場

【Salon talk】2023 年第一場 Salon Talk,我們邀請到 Fika Fika Cafe 的兩位創辦人—— James & Maggie。CAREhER 會員們一如繼往的用無限的活力與熱情齊聚會所,要一起共度北歐式的咖啡之夜。 而身為台灣咖啡界的先驅,James 從當年認識 Maggie 開始講起,娓娓將他們如何用一段浪漫的愛情故事,牽起一段冒險新奇的咖啡創業之旅分享給大家。

2023 CAREhER Flagship x International Women’s Day Summit – Speakers

CAREhER’s 4th International Women’s Day Summit convenes thought leaders from various industries for an engaging day of learning and networking. Profiling 14 compelling speakers making waves in the APAC, this year’s theme addresses the important role women play in driving action and conversations surrounding the topic of sustainability across 3 panels. Joined by our community of 200 women leaders, both online and offline, we look forward to igniting impactful conversations and change. Let’s work towards a more sustainable future, together!

Tokyo Chapter – Toast to 2023

After 3 years of growing our community and empowering leadership in over 1000+ women in our home base in Taipei, we’re happy to announce that we’re headed to Tokyo. We cordially invite you to join us on the 13th of January, as we gather professional and global talents based in Tokyo for a private and curated networking event. We look forward to celebrating the new year in reflecting, goal setting and engaging in wonderful conversations!

Year-end Members’ Gala Highlights: Let’s celebrate our growth!

【會員專屬年末聚會】在自在的笑容中舉杯、細數今年的種種足跡、歡慶我們又離理想的自己更近了一步 —— CAREhER 在會員們的陪伴之下完成了今年的最後一場活動 Year-end Members’ Gala,也與大家準備好了要一齊邁向全新的一年。回顧 2022,世界逐漸從沈寂中復甦,好多朋友們也開始旅行、出差,CAREhER 也在今年八月推出了全新的會員制、在十月展開了我們的導師計畫 Mentor Her Pilot,一步一步我們都在構築屬於自己更美好的狀態,所以年末之餘,我們要好好的享受當下,Let’s celebrate our growth!

October Salon Talk Highlights: Developing Tribal Leadership with Terence

【 Salon talk 】10 月 19 日,Terence 不疾不徐的侃侃的道出身為 Stanford 商學院教學團隊成員、KK Company 內容長、 MIT Sloan AMP 研究生的珍貴學習精華。他將三個身份背後的故事與成長集結成一晚的思維分享:在 MIT 自我改變最大的事情?如何有意識地建立自己的 Critical Thinking?以及影響 Terence 管理方針至深的《Tribal Leadership》為何?