EP. 138 [EN] Uncorking Stories: The Power of Storytelling in Wine with Lay & Wheeler’s Alice Cave

Imagine a fine wine merchant that has an established history and culture of 170 years, and a clientele from all around the world – innovation probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Yet for Alice, the Director of Private Client Sales at Lay & Wheeler, she still describes the company as “a start up that’s 170 years old.” How do they continue to rejuvenate and inspire the roads ahead? Tune in to hear Alice as she shares her journey into the wine industry, her insights into the evolving world of wine collecting, and her observations on the dynamic Asian wine markets.

EP. 137 [EN] Not Your Typical Mentorship – Behind the Scenes of CAREhER’s Mentor Her

When it comes to mentorship at the workplace for women - what comes to mind? Professional suits? Intense conversations? Well with CAREhER’s Mentor Her program, there’s no shortage of meaningful exchanges, but the most “intense” sparks come from members’ courage to share their authentic views, their vulnerabilities, and their openness to learn from one another. Join our well loved and respected mentors, Jennifer and Gwen, to hear how they bond with mentees over their shared love for whiskey and wine, or food – and how both of them give and learn from this community of emerging women leaders.

EP. 136 [EN] Mastering the Auction World: Phyllis Kao on Selling Dinosaurs, Commanding the Room, and Female Artists to Watch

Phyllis set a world record of selling the most expensive dinosaur, at US$44.6 million. Her story was covered in The New York Times as well as The Telegraph from the UK. Her role as an auctioneer at Sotheby is both… a little mysterious, but certainly exciting. Join us to hear her story on the path less traveled, her Taiwanese American heritage, but also as she shares the secrets behind how she commands the room and the intensity that’s part of the job.

Apr. Salon Talk Highlights: 台北當代的收藏指引 x TAIPEI DANGDAI Co-Director Robin Peckham

【Salon Talk】面對藝術有著淵博的知識與無盡的著迷,台北當代聯合總監、《藝術界》前主編 Robin Peckham 帶著一口流利標準的中文,在 4 月 25 日晚上與我們相聚會所,侃侃而談著「藝術」。有別於藝術給人的飄渺,Robin 從藝術市場基本運作原則開始,用更「落地」的方式帶領我們認識藝術。最後更搶先預覽了 2023 台北當代博覽會精彩作品,一起回顧當天的精彩內容吧。

Member Brand Story:和來自哥倫比亞的 Laura 暢遊手工皮革之美

【 Member Brand Story 】9 月 16 日是 CAREhER 的首場會員品牌故事日,我們邀請來自哥倫比亞、並在台灣工作近 10 年的 Laura 來跟會員們分享她的旅程,她曾經對自己的國家失去信心,高中畢業後就迫不及待地出國留學,卻在旅外過程中漸漸找到與家鄉的連結,因而創立了哥倫比亞手作皮件品牌 BOMBONÁ,除了將哥倫比亞的皮革工藝發揚光大之外,也堅持公平交易,支持家鄉的女性社群以及傳統工坊。讓我們一起來聽 Laura 分享她眼中的哥倫比亞,以及她旅外、斜槓、創業的精彩故事。

Young Chapter:How to start your first art collection 藝術收藏入門課

【 Young Chapter 】年輕的 Z 世代,正在紅什麼?藝術的定義日漸模糊,該怎麼欣賞? 7 月 8 日週五晚上,讓我們跟隨潮流,學習賞識藝術。說到藝術品,你看得懂一幅畫中的人物、空間、色彩,但總想不出下一句該說什麼,你反覆地品嚐,好像看到了什麼,卻又好像被別人的評論牽著走。真的只有具藝術細胞的人才能看懂藝術品?作為第一個推出的 Young Chapter 活動,我們邀請年輕的藝術行家 —— 白石藝廊(日本最具有前瞻性的畫廊之一)藝術顧問 Ally,她將帶領我們深入淺出藝術賞識一事,更親自分析時下具有價值的藝術品投資趨勢。

《藝術專欄》藝術大無畏 BY NUNU FINE ART #5 「專注和奮不顧身沒有性別之分」:不受限而活出自我人生的女性藝術家

「每個人的記憶裡,都有一個無止盡的愛的來源,而這些愛的來源會比恨的遭遇支持自己更久、更遠,」紐約雕塑家 Rona Pondick 靠著外公的愛,跨越童年的不完美,追逐夢想,也在創作中不斷地挑戰,並贏得世界的掌聲。透過這位累積超過 200 多個展覽、50 多個美術館典藏藝術家的故事,專欄主筆的 Nunu 與讀者分享, Rona 和已逝美國大法官 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 相似的信念和生命經驗,來看她們作為女性,在男女權勢有別的藝術圈與工作環境中,不因性別而受限的人生態度。

EP.76 以一位藝術顧問的角度看待生活 —
Whitestone Gallery 藝術顧問 張樂澄 Ally Cheung

從 70 年代藝術領域就開始蓬勃發展,並地位舉足輕重的香港正是 Ally 的家鄉,而她也在大學畢業後,因為一個緣分、一個 meaningful connection 從此穿梭於藝術界中,有著豐富的資源、目睹國際藏家群的機會。不過,當 Ally 看到來自台灣來看收藏的不同角度,便隻身勇闖這個看似差異不大、卻有著完全不同藝術背景的市場。在這裡,她透過各式各樣的策展活動來探索自己看待一件作品,又或是一位藝術家的方式,及各種可能的延伸。而這些作品、經歷、和想法,似乎,也潛移默化地走進她的生活中。


受全球疫情影響而變化更快速的世界,從民生、旅遊到藝文產業,都受到極大的挑戰。這次,CAREhER 邀請從來自東京但落地台北的《白石畫廊》Art Advisor Ally,透過她的觀察,來看藝術界在這兩年的數位轉型與革新。目前,雖然線上展廳仍不足以替代實體展覽,卻為產業開創新的形式與市場,也用嶄新的思維,打破藝術和人的距離。