CAREhER x Dell Technologies – “Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust” Highlight [ENG.]

As the workplace culture evolves, conversations about DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) becomes crucial for organizations and leadership. Let us explore together with DELL Technologie's Senior Manager of Talent Acquisition, Pride ERG core team member, Janice Lu and Pinkoi's Co-Founder Peter Yan the essence of Belonging and discover strategies and actions we can take to encourage trust and safety and promote a diverse workplace.

EP. 118【EN】Embracing Authenticity and Let Your Natural Leadership Emerge from Within – Jae Yeon Choi, Managing Director of MSD Taiwan

Remember the quote from the movie Forrest Gump? “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,” and that’s how Jae Yeon Choi, Managing Director of MSD Taiwan, felt her career has been like. From working in a rigid government agency where there weren’t many women as colleagues, to pursuing her MBA, to now working in a leading pharmaceutical company working to improve people’s lives – Jae Yeon shared how she found authenticity to be the key to leadership and teamwork. #Impact, #Legacy, and #GrowTogether are her three most important hashtags. What are yours? Listen more to this episode to find out how a women leader is found.

2023 Summer Summit
The power of her: Women leading sustainable change

【Summer Summit】隨著盛夏到來,又到了一年一度的 Summer Summit - 這次我們將「她」的影響力帶出台北,前往南方港都高雄市。我們將用兩天一夜的時間,帶妳到金馬賓館當代美術館進行論壇為知識充電,再到高雄限定的 Fritz Hansen x Space Cafe 進行專屬於妳的香氛製作,或是身體舒展;夜幕降臨,前往洲際酒店旗下的湛露中餐廳與來自各地的 CAREhER 會員進行 Networking 晚宴;入住晶英酒店後的隔天早晨,你絕對不能錯過 CAREhER Mentor 的咖啡時間…今年夏天,跟著 CAREhER 與思想相近的大家一起來一場夏日充電之旅吧!

CAREhER Curated : 五感十築 「理想生活的新選擇」X 行樂

作為迎接夏日的盛典,CAREhER這次與綠建築先驅宏國建設攜手,以其永續品牌及宜蘭指標新案「五感十築」為主題,策展一系列沙龍,帶領大家針對 《理想生活》 和 《永續生活的實行》 做深入探討。 藉由風格生活領袖們的分享,大家可以從品牌成功案例、策略甚至生活細微的日常感受到有別於以往「永續」的觀點和不同面向的新知識。 三場不同主題的沙龍講座,涵蓋三個不同主題:「食、住、行、樂」。此外,也將以五感「十築」的核心價值為基礎 —— 安心、好氧、好水、健康、沈靜、舒適、自然、全齡、美學和珍惜,由不同的風格達人引導大家進入感官的深度互動、產品體驗,並發掘自身的「永續影響力」,一起打造理想生活的新選擇。

Dell Technologies x CAREhER – “Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust” Salon Talk

戴爾科技集團 x CAREhER 的 Salon Talk: 'Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust' 是系列活動的首場活動。隨著職場文化的演變,DEIB(多元性、平等性、包容性和歸屬感)的重要性日益增加。將這些元素融入日常實踐對企業至關重要。具體而言, 要如何打造?歸屬感是一種氛圍跟文化,讓團隊在工作環境中培養心理安全感,繼而真正的信任彼此、真正的發展所長,敢於發聲,讓不同背景的每個人,都被受重視。聽聽他們怎麼做!

EP. 117【EN】Beyond Perfection: Nurturing Diversity and Talent in LVMH Japan – Aya Yamanouchi / LVMH Japan, People & Culture Senior Manager

Fascinated by the French culture that celebrates a woman’s strength and independence, Aya Yamanouchi pursued her French Literature study to Paris – little did she know, this journey opened the door to her multi-talented career across different parts of the fashion industry. In this episode, Aya-san, now serving as the Senior Manager for People & Culture at LVMH Japan, shared her insights on hiring and growing talent in luxury retail. But our conversation went beyond the surface, diving into strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in the Asia Pacific, where monocultural norms still often prevail.

Jul. Salon Talk Highlight- The future of work with AI- starting with ChatGPT 人工智慧趨勢- ChatGPT 的興起

【Salon Talk】7 月 12 日的 Salon Talk,身為 iCook 愛料理和 INSIDE 共同創辦人 Fox 從自身背景講起 —— 過去於韓商 NHN、蕃薯藤與松崗科技的經歷,帶領他遊走網路科技與遊戲領域,更以第一視角見證 Web 1.0、Web 2.0 至 Web 3.0 的變革。這次透過 Fox 的經驗分享及美商奇異公司政府暨政策事務總監 Gwen 的引導與問題意識提出,我們深入人工智慧,檢視其崛起、AI 賦予的職場改變,及 Fox 帶領公司的因應對策,一同著眼於「與 AI 協作」的未來世代。

五感十築 x CAREhER -「理想生活的新選擇」系列講座

作為迎接夏日的盛典,CAREhER這次與綠建築先驅宏國建設攜手,以其永續品牌及宜蘭指標新案「五感十築」為主題,策展一系列沙龍,帶領大家針對 《理想生活》 和 《永續生活的實行》 做深入探討。 藉由風格生活領袖們的分享,大家可以從品牌成功案例、策略甚至生活細微的日常感受到有別於以往「永續」的觀點和不同面向的新知識。 三場不同主題的沙龍講座,涵蓋三個不同主題:「食、住、行、樂」。此外,也將以五感「十築」的核心價值為基礎 —— 安心、好氧、好水、健康、沈靜、舒適、自然、全齡、美學和珍惜,由不同的風格達人引導大家進入感官的深度互動、產品體驗,並發掘自身的「永續影響力」,一起打造理想生活的新選擇。

Jul. Salon Talk:The future of work with AI- starting with ChatGPT 人工智慧趨勢- ChatGPT 的興起

【Salon Talk】2016 年,Google 人工智慧軟體 AlphaGo 對戰韓國職業九段棋士李世乭,AlphaGo 連勝三局後徹底顛覆世界對人工智能的想像、也彰顯科技的無限力量與不可預測的未來發展。晃眼八年過去了,這次是 Open AI 開發的人工智慧聊天機器人,ChatGPT 僅以發表後兩個月的時間,達一億名月活躍用戶,成為有史以來增長最快速的消費者應用程式。七月的 Salon Talk,身為 iCook 愛 料理和 INSIDE 共同創辦人 Fox 要帶領我們一同深入人工智慧,重新檢視人工智慧的崛起、應用及現狀;更要著眼於「與 AI 協作」的未來世代,討論白領工作的自動化。身在浪潮中的妳,準備好了嗎?