2024 Summer Summit highlight – Her Resilience : Grit & Glow

This year, we returned to the stunning harbor city of Kaohsiung for our 2024 Summer Summit in partnership with ASE Global. Our Summit was even bigger and more impactful than before, bringing together 100 guests from around the world for an inspiring two-day, one-night experience. Attendees shared personal stories and engaged in meaningful discussions on the crucial topics of resilience and mental health, both in personal and professional life. It was an incredible opportunity for connection, learning, and growth.

2024 Summer Summit:
Her Resilience – Grit & Glow

【Summer Summit】夏日將至,準備好為自己規劃一場精緻又充實的旅程了嗎?今年 CAREhER 邀請妳再次一同前往南方港都 —— 高雄市,兩天一夜的安排,邀請專家帶領我們探索,女性如何在為自己事業拼搏的同時,維持良好的身心狀況,建立永續的健康概念;接著,歡迎妳帶上自己的衣物選品,與我們來一場「永續交易-swap & sell」。傍晚,在佇立高雄港邊的永心浮島,與百位國際女性一同分享今日收穫。隔天早晨,歡迎妳搭上高雄文化遊艇參與限量報名的 Cruise with a Mentor....期待與妳在高雄相見!

2024 Summer Summit:
Her Resilience – Grit & Glow [English]

【Summer Summit】 Summer is here! This year, CAREhER invites you to join us once again for a two-day, one night summer getaway as we head to the southern port city of Kaohsiung. Our event will feature insightful panel discussions with experts on how women can build resilience and maintain mental health while advancing their careers. Followed by our “Swap, Sell & Sip” workshop, where we invite you to bring your selected clothing items and participate in this engaging session. As always, a CAREhER event wouldn't be complete without our signature networking dinner. Join us by the waterfront at Yonshin Fudopia in Kaohsiung, where you can share the day's insights with women from around the world. The next morning, embark on an exclusive Kaohsiung cultural cruise for a limited-seat Yacht with a Mentor session. We look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung!


炎夏尾聲,CAREhER 與來自台灣各地最核心的幾位會員、香港和新加坡的新朋友,及 ASE 成員一同齊聚於南台灣明媚的海港之都 —— 高雄。這次有別於以往,我們跳脫台北舒適圈,堅持跨越整個台灣,來到高雄金馬賓館當代美術館,與贊助夥伴 #日月光 盛大展開一年一度的 CAREhER 夏日高峰會。

2023 Summer Summit
The power of her: Women leading sustainable change

【Summer Summit】隨著盛夏到來,又到了一年一度的 Summer Summit - 這次我們將「她」的影響力帶出台北,前往南方港都高雄市。我們將用兩天一夜的時間,帶妳到金馬賓館當代美術館進行論壇為知識充電,再到高雄限定的 Fritz Hansen x Space Cafe 進行專屬於妳的香氛製作,或是身體舒展;夜幕降臨,前往洲際酒店旗下的湛露中餐廳與來自各地的 CAREhER 會員進行 Networking 晚宴;入住晶英酒店後的隔天早晨,你絕對不能錯過 CAREhER Mentor 的咖啡時間…今年夏天,跟著 CAREhER 與思想相近的大家一起來一場夏日充電之旅吧!