CAREhER x 戴爾科技集團 – “Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust” 紀實 [中文]

隨著企業更加重視為員工創造「具歸屬感的工作場域」,DEIB (多元、平等、共融、歸屬)的對話成為領導人不可小覷的議題。此次邀請戴爾科技集團 Pride 員工資源小組核心團隊成員、資深經理兼身心障礙招募計畫負責人 Janice Lu 和 Pinkoi 共同創辦人 Peter Yen 與我們共同討論如何打造具歸屬感、充滿信任、富有安全感的的職場文化,並以實例進一步探索其策略與落實之道。

CAREhER x Dell Technologies – “Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust” Highlight [ENG.]

As the workplace culture evolves, conversations about DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) becomes crucial for organizations and leadership. Let us explore together with DELL Technologie's Senior Manager of Talent Acquisition, Pride ERG core team member, Janice Lu and Pinkoi's Co-Founder Peter Yan the essence of Belonging and discover strategies and actions we can take to encourage trust and safety and promote a diverse workplace.

Dell Technologies x CAREhER – “Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust” Salon Talk

戴爾科技集團 x CAREhER 的 Salon Talk: 'Creating Belonging in the Workplace: Establishing Psychological Safety and Environment of Trust' 是系列活動的首場活動。隨著職場文化的演變,DEIB(多元性、平等性、包容性和歸屬感)的重要性日益增加。將這些元素融入日常實踐對企業至關重要。具體而言, 要如何打造?歸屬感是一種氛圍跟文化,讓團隊在工作環境中培養心理安全感,繼而真正的信任彼此、真正的發展所長,敢於發聲,讓不同背景的每個人,都被受重視。聽聽他們怎麼做!