Tokyo |New Years Party: AI & She – Collaborate & Celebrate

CAREhER は、2025 年の幕開けを祝う「2025 New Year Party in Tokyo」を年明け1月12日に開催いたします! このイベントでは、APAC の女性リーダーコミュニティとして、みなさんと共に挑戦に満ちた1年の始まりを一緒に過ごせることを嬉しく思います。2024 年に開催された東京での New Year Party が大成功を収めたことを受け、今年もインスピレーションあふれる会話や有意義な交流ができるよう準備しております。

Taipei | Members’ Holiday Dinner: Reflect, Share, & Plan for 2025

Join us on December 19th for an exclusive CAREhER Members-Only Holiday Dinner, where we’ll celebrate the close of 2024 and look ahead to an inspiring 2025 together. This festive evening will include a unique Gift Exchange with a CAREhER Twist—a moment to reflect, share, and connect. Each gift will carry personal significance, offering an opportunity to exchange not just items, but stories, wisdom, and inspiration with fellow members.

Tokyo | Shine Like A Gem -セルフブランディングを強めて、理想のキャリアを築く方法

ご好評を頂いているCAREhERの東京チャプターイベント「Lunch with A Mentor」を 11 月24日に開催致します。 今回は、21世紀に誕生した数少ないジュエリーメゾンの一つである「Gemmyo」とコラボレーションし、その創業者であり、フランスで女性起業家としても大変著名なPauline LaigneauとCAREhERのCEOであるTiffany Chouが自身の体験から来るセルフブランディングとそこからキャリアをスケールさせる方法やインサイトを惜しみなくみなさんにお伝えします。

CAREhEALTH – Pink Power & Bubbles for a Cause

【CAREhEALTH】有多久沒有靜下心,沈澱日常所累積的壓力並好好的檢視自己的身心健康?女性意識崛起的時代,我們看到扮演多重身份的女性身上所承擔的壓力。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)報告顯示,女性比男性更容易受到焦慮和抑鬱症的影響,這部分由職場壓力、家庭責任和社會期望的多重壓力源所造成。 CAREhER 希望幫助大家在吸收知識的同時,能輕鬆、舒適的抒發壓力,維持健康的身心。為了更順利的完成事業、人生目標,保持生活精彩,聰明的女性要學會投資自己的健康,讓自己從身心靈都能保持最好的狀態。

CAREhER x The Doggy Lab – Connect & Grow with Your Fur Babies 打造人寵和諧新時代

週五夏末午後,犬研室與 CAREhER 聯手舉辦了一場別開生面的人寵共融餐會,吸引超過40位來自各界的貴賓——從臺北寵物公會理事長、知名寵物旅館、風格生活產業、牙醫院長、紡織業到建設開發、時尚設計等不同領域的愛寵人士,並有六隻可愛的毛小孩參與其中。 此次餐會不僅是愛寵人士的聚會,更是一場深入探討人類與寵物間不斷演變關係的交流盛會,更探討了寵物經濟的未來趨勢跟範例。

2024 Summer Summit highlight – Her Resilience : Grit & Glow

This year, we returned to the stunning harbor city of Kaohsiung for our 2024 Summer Summit in partnership with ASE Global. Our Summit was even bigger and more impactful than before, bringing together 100 guests from around the world for an inspiring two-day, one-night experience. Attendees shared personal stories and engaged in meaningful discussions on the crucial topics of resilience and mental health, both in personal and professional life. It was an incredible opportunity for connection, learning, and growth.

EP. 133 [EN] From Tokyo to the World: Celebrating and Empowering Individuality in Modeling Management – Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of Crossover

Can you truly bring your unique self and thrive in the Japanese business world? For Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of one leading agency representing top models Ai Tominaga and Hikari Mori, that authenticity and her unique cultural backgrounds are exactly what set her apart – and what she looks to infuse in all the work she does to support her talents. “Cultural translations,” as she calls it, helps bring out more potential while celebrating those differences and individuality helps her talents and herself to succeed on the global stage.

CAREhEALTH – EAT Smart, AGE Smart & MOVE smart

【CAREhEALTH】有多久沒有靜下心,沈澱日常所累積的壓力並好好的檢視自己的身心健康?女性意識崛起的時代,我們看到扮演多重身份的女性身上所承擔的壓力。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)報告顯示,女性比男性更容易受到焦慮和抑鬱症的影響,這部分由職場壓力、家庭責任和社會期望的多重壓力源所造成。 CAREhER 希望幫助大家在吸收知識的同時,能輕鬆、舒適的抒發壓力,維持健康的身心。為了更順利的完成事業、人生目標,保持生活精彩,聰明的女性要學會投資自己的健康,讓自己從身心靈都能保持最好的狀態。我們為大家推出新系列講座——CAREhEALTH;以三場會員免費知性講座,我們在 AJ2 的信義安和空間一起 Step-by-step,從【聰明進食】、【迎接增齡】到【增效運動】一步步創造更強大的自己。

2024 Summer Summit:
Her Resilience – Grit & Glow [English]

【Summer Summit】 Summer is here! This year, CAREhER invites you to join us once again for a two-day, one night summer getaway as we head to the southern port city of Kaohsiung. Our event will feature insightful panel discussions with experts on how women can build resilience and maintain mental health while advancing their careers. Followed by our “Swap, Sell & Sip” workshop, where we invite you to bring your selected clothing items and participate in this engaging session. As always, a CAREhER event wouldn't be complete without our signature networking dinner. Join us by the waterfront at Yonshin Fudopia in Kaohsiung, where you can share the day's insights with women from around the world. The next morning, embark on an exclusive Kaohsiung cultural cruise for a limited-seat Yacht with a Mentor session. We look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung!