2024 Summer Summit highlight – Her Resilience : Grit & Glow

This year, we returned to the stunning harbor city of Kaohsiung for our 2024 Summer Summit in partnership with ASE Global. Our Summit was even bigger and more impactful than before, bringing together 100 guests from around the world for an inspiring two-day, one-night experience. Attendees shared personal stories and engaged in meaningful discussions on the crucial topics of resilience and mental health, both in personal and professional life. It was an incredible opportunity for connection, learning, and growth.

Singapore Luncheon- Scaling Up and Hire Smart

CAREhER Singapore will be hosting an exclusive luncheon tailored for women founders who are looking to scale their team and lead with authentic leadership. Join us for an intimate roundtable discussion where you will discover practical tools and strategies to leverage your existing resources for maximum impact. Learn from successful founders on how to prioritize and allocate resources effectively in a growing business.

2024 Summer Summit:
Her Resilience – Grit & Glow

【Summer Summit】夏日將至,準備好為自己規劃一場精緻又充實的旅程了嗎?今年 CAREhER 邀請妳再次一同前往南方港都 —— 高雄市,兩天一夜的安排,邀請專家帶領我們探索,女性如何在為自己事業拼搏的同時,維持良好的身心狀況,建立永續的健康概念;接著,歡迎妳帶上自己的衣物選品,與我們來一場「永續交易-swap & sell」。傍晚,在佇立高雄港邊的永心浮島,與百位國際女性一同分享今日收穫。隔天早晨,歡迎妳搭上高雄文化遊艇參與限量報名的 Cruise with a Mentor....期待與妳在高雄相見!

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -Entrepreneurship 起業について考える

Our 9th event in Tokyo concluded successfully on June 23rd. We were delighted to welcome new and old friends, contributing to the growth of the CAREhER Japan community. Our three mentors brought experiences from venture capital side, corporate side and business owner insights to share a more complete roadmap to entrepreneurship. While discussions often revolved around when and how one should start their own business, we also heard from entrepreneurs exploring how to constantly check-in with yourself, to align your inner values with your company missions. The event wasn't just limited to Japanese attendees; it was really fulfilling to see our global community thrive!

CAREhEALTH – EAT Smart, AGE Smart & MOVE smart

【CAREhEALTH】有多久沒有靜下心,沈澱日常所累積的壓力並好好的檢視自己的身心健康?女性意識崛起的時代,我們看到扮演多重身份的女性身上所承擔的壓力。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)報告顯示,女性比男性更容易受到焦慮和抑鬱症的影響,這部分由職場壓力、家庭責任和社會期望的多重壓力源所造成。 CAREhER 希望幫助大家在吸收知識的同時,能輕鬆、舒適的抒發壓力,維持健康的身心。為了更順利的完成事業、人生目標,保持生活精彩,聰明的女性要學會投資自己的健康,讓自己從身心靈都能保持最好的狀態。我們為大家推出新系列講座——CAREhEALTH;以三場會員免費知性講座,我們在 AJ2 的信義安和空間一起 Step-by-step,從【聰明進食】、【迎接增齡】到【增效運動】一步步創造更強大的自己。

2024 Summer Summit:
Her Resilience – Grit & Glow [English]

【Summer Summit】 Summer is here! This year, CAREhER invites you to join us once again for a two-day, one night summer getaway as we head to the southern port city of Kaohsiung. Our event will feature insightful panel discussions with experts on how women can build resilience and maintain mental health while advancing their careers. Followed by our “Swap, Sell & Sip” workshop, where we invite you to bring your selected clothing items and participate in this engaging session. As always, a CAREhER event wouldn't be complete without our signature networking dinner. Join us by the waterfront at Yonshin Fudopia in Kaohsiung, where you can share the day's insights with women from around the world. The next morning, embark on an exclusive Kaohsiung cultural cruise for a limited-seat Yacht with a Mentor session. We look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung!

Jun. Salon Talk:《晶片島上的光芒》晶片戰爭邊的第一排觀察

【Salon Talk】去年 9 月我們藉由《晶片戰爭》一書,從國際的角度了解「晶片產業」所扮演的角色。今年,我們把這個國際議題拉回台灣。由在財經新聞圈 30 年多年的今週刊前副總編輯兼本次 Salon Talk 主題書籍《晶片島上的光芒》作者——林宏文,前來分享他「一路看著長大」的台積電是如何在落後美日技術的 80 年代突破產業框架,站穩今日的腳步。他更將與我們一起討論面對 AI 的誕生未來台灣晶片產業如何佈局?進軍日本的台灣晶片產業有著怎樣的願景?

Mentor Luncheon X Tokyo -自分自身への投資

Our 8th event in Tokyo concluded successfully on 4/20 (Sat). We were delighted to welcome many participants, contributing to the growth of the CAREhER Japan community. With the theme of "Investing in Yourself," participants shared their aspirations for career and personal development during introductions. While discussions often revolved around advancing careers while juggling corporate roles or parenthood, we also heard from entrepreneurs exploring self-investment strategies. Insights shared were particularly inspiring for working Japanese women in their 30s and 40s. The event wasn't just limited to Japanese attendees; the global atmosphere was palpable, with participants from Taiwan, France, and other corners of the world.

Apr. Salon Talk:台北當代的收藏指引 x TAIPEI DANGDAI Co-Director Robin Peckham

【Salon Talk】讓我們延續去年的藝術氛圍,帶著大家再度進入藝術收藏的殿堂。去年 4 月我們邀請到台北當代藝術聯合總監 Robin Peckham 與會員近距離對談,分享他對於當代藝術的見解及第四屆當代藝術展的主題解析。第五屆當代藝術展即將在 2024 年 5 月亮相,為了滿足會員們全方面的求知慾,CAREhER 抓住機會再次邀請 Robin 前來會所與新舊會員們揭示這一年間國際當代最新的藝術動態;同樣的,Robin 將親自預先導覽第五屆當代藝術展必看作品及畫廊。令人期待的是,參與本次活動的會員,都將受邀參與第五屆台北當代藝術展開幕夜,屆時全亞洲藝術重量級人士齊聚一堂,台北當代會將全球各地最優秀的當代藝術帶給台灣的藝術愛好者及收藏家,這麼特別的時刻,你準備好了嗎?

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -自分自身への投資

女性にとって、金銭面や自己成長、人脈作り、キャリアの機会など、人生のさまざまな側面で自分自身に投資することはとても重要です。4月20日に東京で“lunch with a mentor”イベントを開催します。 イベントのテーマは「Investing in ourselves (自分自身への投資)」- 参加者の女性たちは、ゲストであるメンターから貴重なインサイトが得られ、これからの自己投資について考えることができる貴重な機会になります。