2025 IWD Summit 講者介紹
Summit Speakers Profile

Step into CAREhER's 6th International Women's Day Summit, where we gather to celebrate innovation, leadership, and the transformative power of AI. This year’s theme, 'AI & She: Transforming Lives, Innovating, and Shaping Sustainable Futures,' shines a spotlight on how AI is revolutionizing industries and empowering women to drive meaningful change. Our summit brings together two thought-provoking panels—AI for Mindset and AI for Innovation—featuring eight exceptional speakers from diverse industries across the APAC region. These leaders will share insights into how AI is reshaping leadership, creativity, and sustainability. Together, let's redefine possibilities and champion sustainable progress!

2024 CAREHER Flagship X 國際婦女節論壇 Highlight

CAREhER 主辦的 IWD 第五屆國際婦女節論壇甫於 2024 年 3 月 3 日結束。團隊匯聚台灣關鍵產業和具遠見的領導者們,探索跨領域的背景、挑戰和機遇,同時號召更多認同 Invest in Women 價值觀的企業,促使由女性主導的項目落地,並透過女性消費者帶來積極改變。集結 14 位產業領袖、3 場座談和主題演講,每年三月第一周約定好是我們的充電日。妳準備好參與並加速正向改變了嗎?

2024 CAREHER Flagship X International Women’s Day Summit Highlight

The future is not just bright — it’s decidedly female. In celebration of the power of inclusivity, CAREhER, in partnership with Standard Chartered Bank, held its fifth annual International Women’s Day Summit on March 3. This event brought together industry and government leaders to explore the theme “Invest in Progress: Women Accelerating Change.”

2024 IWD Summit 國際婦女節論壇
Invest in Progress: Women Accelerating Change

IWD 國際婦女節論壇來到第五屆,當我們看向世界,能不能把台灣最重要的產業、最能帶領我們成長的領導者連在一起,幫我們彙整看清跨領域的產業脈絡、挑戰、和機會?能不能號召更多認同 Invest in Women 價值觀的企業,透過企業投資女性,讓更多女性主導的項目落地,也藉由女性消費者帶來更多正向的改變?透過 14 位產業領袖講者、3 個主題座談以及 Keynote 演說,每年我們約定好給自己的充電日,3 月 3 日,你準備好接棒,一同參與並加速正向改變了嗎?

2024 國際婦女節論壇 講者介紹
2024 IWD Summit Speakers Profile

Welcome to CAREhER's 5th International Women's Day Summit, where we unite influential leaders from diverse industries for a day of insightful discussions and meaningful networking. Our lineup this year includes 14 remarkable speakers from various sectors in the APAC region, converging to explore Talent, Technology, and Thrive through impact investing. Our three insightful sessions aim to power change in women's leadership. With the active engagement of our vibrant community of 100 women leaders, both in-person and online, we're poised to ignite discussions that drive positive change. Let's celebrate a future where investing in women is at the forefront of progress!

2023 CAREHER Flagship X International Women’s Day Summit Highlight

【 IWD Summit 】Empowering leadership for women is at the core of what we do, and we do this through community building and curating learning and networking experiences. Naturally, International Women’s Day always holds great significance for us. This year marks our 4th International Women’s Day Summit, which kicked off on March 4th, at the Taipei Performing Arts Center. Featuring a highly anticipated lineup of speakers from various countries and industries, the 3 panel discussions connected the theme of Together, A More Sustainable Future with some of the latest industry topics such as DE&I, AI, impact investing and energy security. 

EP.112【EN】人生與工作是翹翹板? IWD 2023 四位跨國領導者談經驗傳承與、營造多元與永續的企業文化

【 英文訪談 】首度在 CAREhER 2023 國際婦女節論壇成團出道的「J 團」,說的不是哪個新人氣 idol,而是四位來自新加坡、韓國、日本跟東道主台灣的企業領袖一同聯手,分享他們跨產業、跨世代,透過實際領導經驗所淬鍊出的真知灼見。「天團」成員們個個魅力十足,開足火力般地妙語如珠,我們剪音檔時傷透了腦筋,四位「偶像」太愛也太會聊天導致氣氛太熱絡,我們不知道怎麼才能把現場的笑聲剪掉!錯過了論壇,或者是想重溫當日精華的你,和我們一同溫習來自跨國偶像的經驗傳承吧!

2023 CAREHER 年度盛會 X IWD Summit 國際婦女節論壇 —— 下午場活動 Highlight

【 IWD Summit 】眾人於台北表演藝術中心天臺享用午餐後,下半場的兩個焦點座談接力登場。於日本 Google 任職的 Wonjin 帶領了 Panel 2「綠色消費世代 – 女性和影響力投資」,討論女性如何藉由投資選擇為社會與環境帶來正面影響,接著再由 GE 的 Gwen 主持的 Panel 3「綠色能源:推動亞洲的永續轉型」中,與另外兩位講者討論企業為何要協助地區推動能源轉型,女性在其中又有什麼樣的機會。活動進入尾聲,大家又再次回到天臺交流,今年度的 CAREhER IWD 論壇也在美酒與笑聲中完美落幕。