Book Club 讀書會


We curate books by female authors and can change the way women see themselves and their journeys of becoming more of who they’re meant to be.




Laura Huang


I always say everyone has something.

Something you believe prevents you from achieving your goals, something others perceive about you that acts as a roadblock to your success, or something that just doesn’t feel accurate about the way you’re judged. I believe this is the case for everyone. And it is certainly the case for women, especially the modern-day working woman.

Women are confronted with wide-ranging challenges both at home and at work – from not achieving as much entrepreneurial investment capital as their male counterparts to being harshly criticized for advocating for herself and appearing aggressive. As a response to this belief I personally hold (and have confirmed through various research studies on adversity, bias, and disadvantage) – the belief that everyone has something – I wrote Edge.

Edge seeks to address those issues around negative perceptions and stereotypes. It is meant to empower readers, including the modern-day working woman, with the interpersonal and cognitive tools that combat the negative judgments we receive and that flip them to our advantage.

I include several anecdotes of people who have successfully done this, including Dawn Fitzpatrick, whom I believe is an incredible role model for all working women. There are other great role models from all walks of life, too!


Sandy Su




書中的這群女性工作者年齡從30-50在不同的國家擔任主管職 帶領當地的團隊並做出當地人無法突破的業績。

近年來越來越多女性工作者開始在職場上成為領導之星或接班人候選人,透過此書希望可以讓更多女性工作者走出舒適圈 打造屬於自己的光彩人生。


Elizabeth Kao

Liz 關鍵詞:美食家的自學之路與口袋名單

身為新世代的工作女性,妳大概愛吃,也喜歡在旅行中或是城市裡找新餐廳嘗試,摘過幾顆米其林星星,捕獲名廚會興奮。妳可曾想過這些現象背後的原因?《Liz 關鍵詞:美食家的自學之路與口袋名單》是一本幫助妳了解自己為什麼愛吃的書,娓娓道來foodie(吃貨)是什麼樣的人、foodie偏好什麼食物、fine dining是什麼、米其林與世界五十最佳餐廳的意義,以及一切愛吃現象與台灣的關聯。享受美食之餘,也要吃得有意識。


Jill Chang


很多時候我們想變另一種人:可不可以開朗/陽光/討喜一點、在社交場合更如魚得水一點、在老闆客戶面前能言善道一點… 我們花好多力氣追求理想的模樣,卻封存自己與生俱來的天賦。


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