EP. 138 [EN] Uncorking Stories: The Power of Storytelling in Wine with Lay & Wheeler’s Alice Cave

Imagine a fine wine merchant that has an established history and culture of 170 years, and a clientele from all around the world – innovation probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Yet for Alice, the Director of Private Client Sales at Lay & Wheeler, she still describes the company as “a start up that’s 170 years old.” How do they continue to rejuvenate and inspire the roads ahead? Tune in to hear Alice as she shares her journey into the wine industry, her insights into the evolving world of wine collecting, and her observations on the dynamic Asian wine markets.

EP. 137 [EN] Not Your Typical Mentorship – Behind the Scenes of CAREhER’s Mentor Her

When it comes to mentorship at the workplace for women - what comes to mind? Professional suits? Intense conversations? Well with CAREhER’s Mentor Her program, there’s no shortage of meaningful exchanges, but the most “intense” sparks come from members’ courage to share their authentic views, their vulnerabilities, and their openness to learn from one another. Join our well loved and respected mentors, Jennifer and Gwen, to hear how they bond with mentees over their shared love for whiskey and wine, or food – and how both of them give and learn from this community of emerging women leaders.

EP. 136 [EN] Mastering the Auction World: Phyllis Kao on Selling Dinosaurs, Commanding the Room, and Female Artists to Watch

Phyllis set a world record of selling the most expensive dinosaur, at US$44.6 million. Her story was covered in The New York Times as well as The Telegraph from the UK. Her role as an auctioneer at Sotheby is both… a little mysterious, but certainly exciting. Join us to hear her story on the path less traveled, her Taiwanese American heritage, but also as she shares the secrets behind how she commands the room and the intensity that’s part of the job.

EP.135 揭秘 NVIDIA 突破性科技和未來展望 : NVIDIA AI Technology Center 技術負責人 Cheng-Kuang (CK) Lee

妳不可能沒注意到這場 AI 的浪潮已席捲我們生活;從手機上的語音助手、圖片編輯工具,到無人車和醫療診斷,AI 技術已不再是未來的夢想,並切切實實融入我們的日常。而 CK 老師身為 NVIDIA AI 技術中心台灣區技術負責人,站在浪頭之上,這次會和我們用深入淺出的方式帶出他對產業的觀察,如影像辨識、醫療影像、自駕車等領域,甚至進入虛擬世界的建構,並分享他自己學習的各種渠道。如果連最專業的產業先鋒都要不斷學習了,妳我又有什麼理由不?準備啟程,和我們一起踏入 AI 的世界吧!

EP.134 原來狗狗也需要成就感:滿足牠們的天性需求,讓人寵關係變得更加緊密 : The Doggy Lab 創辦人 Edward Wu

妳知道狗狗們都有與生俱來、已經寫進他們 DNA 裡的使命嗎? CAREhER 因為愛狗愛到辦公室常不小心變成主人放風時狗狗的托兒中心,這次也開心邀請到寵物教育品牌 The Doggy Lab 犬研室的創辦人 Edward 來和我們分享,當我們真正理解狗狗時,牠們將成為更快樂、更平衡的生活同伴。就像每位成功的女人,都有強大的 support net,毛孩子不僅是療癒妳的重要支柱,妳也身兼牠們照護者的重要責任。今天,除了聽 Edward 和我們分享他獨特的創業旅程(有愛心又有耐心的男人很帥!),他也會幫助我們學習,如何更好地照顧我們生命裡重要的毛寶貝。

EP. 133 [EN] From Tokyo to the World: Celebrating and Empowering Individuality in Modeling Management – Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of Crossover

Can you truly bring your unique self and thrive in the Japanese business world? For Kei Chen, Founder and CEO of one leading agency representing top models Ai Tominaga and Hikari Mori, that authenticity and her unique cultural backgrounds are exactly what set her apart – and what she looks to infuse in all the work she does to support her talents. “Cultural translations,” as she calls it, helps bring out more potential while celebrating those differences and individuality helps her talents and herself to succeed on the global stage.
Tony west

EP. 132 [EN] From Crisis to Culture: The Steering Force Behind Uber’s Cultural Transformation – Tony West, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary, Uber

Imagine starting a new job at a company grappling with internal sexual harassment allegations, a major license revocation in a key market, a data security breach and many other legal woes: all the above were true when Tony walked into his first day as Chief Legal Officer at Uber. Fast forward seven years later, we caught Tony at his Asia tour -- connected by one of CAREhER's very own member -- so we could hear this story first hand, and learn from his journey at Uber to turn around one of the most tarnished reputations in the business world, but most importantly, one that re-shaped the workplace culture of its 20,000+ employees at the time, with millions more of customers whose safety they had to protect.

EP.131 「我們的文化,我們的味道」讓世界認識台灣茶酒 : S.C Lab 創辦人 Mikey Chen

在台灣鬱鬱蔥蔥的茶園風景中,一個關於傳承、創新、同時不缺乏創業浪漫的故事正在展開: 跟隨 Mikey 從紐約設計師到先鋒茶農的轉型之旅,我們發現原來在看似輕描淡寫的創意裡,卻有他獨特對於打造品牌和平台的想法(和打法),將傳統與現代融為一體,與世界分享台灣文化品味的企圖心。有一天,世界會像聽到 sake 就想到日本、聽到 soju 就想到韓國,聽到 chajiu 就想到台灣。

EP. 130 為創造無法忘懷的回憶舉杯: 新加坡 #1的三星法餐 ODETTE 首席侍酒師 LESLEY LIU

睽違一段日子,在米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 工作的 Lesley 已經從助理侍酒師晉升為首席侍酒師,還斬獲數個國際大獎!她娓娓訴說自己心境的轉變;儘管對「美酒」這個工作的熱情始終如一,她卻分享,現在的她更注重聆聽和觀察客人的需求,而不是強加艱深的專業輸出,反而對於為每一位客人提供難忘的體驗有更深的體悟。這種照顧人的心,成了她取得成功的秘訣,也更是她認為女性加入餐飲界的好契機。一起再度來聽她說故事,並且發現,原來,紅酒是絕佳打開話題並促進聯繫的好工具。