2025 IWD Summit 講者介紹
Summit Speakers Profile

Step into CAREhER's 6th International Women's Day Summit, where we gather to celebrate innovation, leadership, and the transformative power of AI. This year’s theme, 'AI & She: Transforming Lives, Innovating, and Shaping Sustainable Futures,' shines a spotlight on how AI is revolutionizing industries and empowering women to drive meaningful change. Our summit brings together two thought-provoking panels—AI for Mindset and AI for Innovation—featuring eight exceptional speakers from diverse industries across the APAC region. These leaders will share insights into how AI is reshaping leadership, creativity, and sustainability. Together, let's redefine possibilities and champion sustainable progress!

Tokyo |New Years Party: AI & She – Collaborate & Celebrate

CAREhER は、2025 年の幕開けを祝う「2025 New Year Party in Tokyo」を年明け1月12日に開催いたします! このイベントでは、APAC の女性リーダーコミュニティとして、みなさんと共に挑戦に満ちた1年の始まりを一緒に過ごせることを嬉しく思います。2024 年に開催された東京での New Year Party が大成功を収めたことを受け、今年もインスピレーションあふれる会話や有意義な交流ができるよう準備しております。

Taipei | Members’ Holiday Dinner: Reflect, Share, & Plan for 2025

Join us on December 19th for an exclusive CAREhER Members-Only Holiday Dinner, where we’ll celebrate the close of 2024 and look ahead to an inspiring 2025 together. This festive evening will include a unique Gift Exchange with a CAREhER Twist—a moment to reflect, share, and connect. Each gift will carry personal significance, offering an opportunity to exchange not just items, but stories, wisdom, and inspiration with fellow members.

Tokyo | Shine Like A Gem -セルフブランディングを強めて、理想のキャリアを築く方法

ご好評を頂いているCAREhERの東京チャプターイベント「Lunch with A Mentor」を 11 月24日に開催致します。 今回は、21世紀に誕生した数少ないジュエリーメゾンの一つである「Gemmyo」とコラボレーションし、その創業者であり、フランスで女性起業家としても大変著名なPauline LaigneauとCAREhERのCEOであるTiffany Chouが自身の体験から来るセルフブランディングとそこからキャリアをスケールさせる方法やインサイトを惜しみなくみなさんにお伝えします。

HK|Wine & Wisdom: Navigating Upward Communication & Stakeholder Management

Join us on October 26th at FRANCIS in Hong Kong for an exclusive fireside event featuring delicious bites and drinks, where we’ll explore the topic of managing up. This intimate gathering will engage you in discussions on effective communication strategies with senior leaders and stakeholders, ways to establish your influence, and how to advocate for your team. Hear from three women leaders from diverse fields as they share their best practices. Enjoy a stylish afternoon filled with meaningful conversations and networking with like-minded women.

Singapore Luncheon- Scaling Up and Hire Smart

CAREhER Singapore will be hosting an exclusive luncheon tailored for women founders who are looking to scale their team and lead with authentic leadership. Join us for an intimate roundtable discussion where you will discover practical tools and strategies to leverage your existing resources for maximum impact. Learn from successful founders on how to prioritize and allocate resources effectively in a growing business.

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -Entrepreneurship 起業について考える

Our 9th event in Tokyo concluded successfully on June 23rd. We were delighted to welcome new and old friends, contributing to the growth of the CAREhER Japan community. Our three mentors brought experiences from venture capital side, corporate side and business owner insights to share a more complete roadmap to entrepreneurship. While discussions often revolved around when and how one should start their own business, we also heard from entrepreneurs exploring how to constantly check-in with yourself, to align your inner values with your company missions. The event wasn't just limited to Japanese attendees; it was really fulfilling to see our global community thrive!

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -Entrepreneurship 起業について考える

ご好評を頂いているCAREhERの東京チャプターイベント「Lunch with A Mentor」を6月23日に開催致します。 今回は、起業に興味がある方が楽しんで頂けるよう準備を進めています。活気あるコミュニティを育むことが、起業の成功に有益であるだけでなく、不可欠である理由についてお話するなど、起業において経験豊かなメンターたちが、専門知識と多様な視点を共有してくださる貴重な会になりそうです。

Mentor Luncheon X Tokyo -自分自身への投資

Our 8th event in Tokyo concluded successfully on 4/20 (Sat). We were delighted to welcome many participants, contributing to the growth of the CAREhER Japan community. With the theme of "Investing in Yourself," participants shared their aspirations for career and personal development during introductions. While discussions often revolved around advancing careers while juggling corporate roles or parenthood, we also heard from entrepreneurs exploring self-investment strategies. Insights shared were particularly inspiring for working Japanese women in their 30s and 40s. The event wasn't just limited to Japanese attendees; the global atmosphere was palpable, with participants from Taiwan, France, and other corners of the world.

Mentor Luncheon x Tokyo -自分自身への投資

女性にとって、金銭面や自己成長、人脈作り、キャリアの機会など、人生のさまざまな側面で自分自身に投資することはとても重要です。4月20日に東京で“lunch with a mentor”イベントを開催します。 イベントのテーマは「Investing in ourselves (自分自身への投資)」- 参加者の女性たちは、ゲストであるメンターから貴重なインサイトが得られ、これからの自己投資について考えることができる貴重な機会になります。